Hui-Min Hsieh, Ph.D.
Chair and Professor
Department of Public Health
Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan
Office Room: CS718
Office Phone: 886-7-312-1101 ex 2315
1995-1999 B.B.A., Department of Business Administration, National Chung Cheng
University, Taiwan
1999-2001 M.B.A., Department of Business Administration, National Chung Cheng
University, Taiwan
2005-May 2010 Ph.D., Department of Health Administration, Virginia Commonwealth
University, Richmond, Virginia, USA
DISSERTATION “The Impact of Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital Payments on
Hospital Uncompensated Care Provision and Quality of Care”, in fulfillment
of requirement for Doctor of Philosophy 2010, Health Services Organization
and Research
Advisor: Gloria J. Bazzoli, Ph.D.
2023-2024 2023-2024 Fulbright Senior Research Award
2023-2024 Visiting Scholar at the Susan B. Meister Child Health Evaluation and
Research (CHEAR) Center at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor,
Michigan, United States.
2020-2023 Distinguish Young Scholar Award of Kaohsiung Medical University.
2019 2019 Ta-You Wu Memorial Award for distinguish young scholar academic
national award, the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan.
2015 Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award, Department of Public Health, School
of Health Science, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
2014 2014 17th European Health Forum Gastein Scholarship (2014.09.26-
2014.10.05), Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and
Welfare, Taiwan (Grant no. 10304022414).
2013 2013 HCUP Outstanding Article of the Year Award from AHRQ for the
paper :Bazzoli, G. J.,Lee, W., Hsieh, H., and Mobley, L., ―"The Effects of
Safety Net Hospital Closures and Conversions on Patient Travel Distance to
Hospital Services", Health Services Research, v47: 1, Part 1 (Feb 2012): pp
129-150. This paper was recognized at the 2013 AcademyHealth Annual
Research Meeting on June 24th , 2013 in Baltimore, USA.Hsieh, H. M. | 2
2010 James Begun Award for the Best Dissertation in Health Services Organization
and Research, Department of Health Administration, Virginia Commonwealth
University, USA.
2006-2007 Graduate Full Scholarship, Department of Health Administration, Virginia
Commonwealth University, USA.
Health Organization and Management
Health Policy and Program Evaluation
Health Economics
Health Outcome Research
Health Care Financing and Accounting
Research Methodology and Applied Econometrics Statistics
Health Policy and Program Evaluation; Cost-Effectiveness Analysis; Cost-Utility Analysis; Budget
Impact Analysis
Feb 2019 to present Professor at Department of Public Health, Kaohsiung Medical University
Aug 2015 to Jan
Associate Professor at Department of Public Health, Kaohsiung Medical
Feb 2012 to July
Assistant Professor at Department of Public Health, Kaohsiung Medical
July 2010-Aug2011 Health Outcome Research Analyst at HealthCore Inc., a professional health
research subsidiary of Wellpoint, Inc. with Blue Cross and Blue Shield
managed care insurance plans, focusing on observational health outcome
2007-2010 Research Assistant. Work with Dr. Gloria J. Bazzoli for the National
Institutes of Health (NIH) project “Safety Net Hospitals and Minority Access
to Health Care”, is funded by NIH (NIH Grant # 5R01HL082707-02) at the
Department of Health Administration, Virginia Commonwealth University
2006-2007 Research Assistant. Worked with Dr. Dolores G. Clement and Dr. Cathy J.
Bradley at the Department of Health Administration, Virginia Commonwealth
1998-2001 Research Assistant. Worked with Dr. Fong-Huei Huarng for the National
Science Council project “Physician in TQM I-III” (NSC 89-2416-H-194-063)
at the Department of Business Administration, National Chung Cheng
University, Taiwan.
2024/08 to present Chair of Department of Public Health, Kaohsiung Medical University (KMU)
2019/08 to present Director of Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatic, Kaohsiung Medical
University Hospital (KMUH)
2024/08 to present Director of Center for Big Data Research, Kaohsiung Medical University
2019/08 to 2023/07 Director of Center for Big Data Research, Kaohsiung Medical University
2001/10-2005/06 Health Administrator with the Center of Health Performance Evaluation and
Research, Kaohsiung Medical University (KMU), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
2019/08 to 2023/07 Director of Center for Big Data Research, Kaohsiung Medical University
Director of Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatic, Kaohsiung Medical
University Hospital (KMUH)
Feb 2019 to present Full Professor at Department of Public Health, Kaohsiung Medical University
Aug 2015 to Jan
Associate Professor at Department of Public Health, Kaohsiung Medical
Feb 2012 to July
Assistant Professor at Department of Public Health, Kaohsiung Medical
Feb 2012 to present Assistant Professor at Department of Public Health, Kaohsiung Medical
2002-2005 Adjunct Faculty with the Department of Business Administration, Southern
Taiwan University, Tainan, Taiwan. Courses taught: Principle Economics;
Market Research; Consumer Behavior; Statistics; Service Management and
Grant Projects
Aug 2023 to July
“Examining Association between Low-value Care, and Payment Policy,
Healthcare Organizational and Physician Decision Making Behaviors
in Taiwan Health System”
Principle investigator, PI
Funding source: Ministry to Science and Technology, NSTC 112-2628-H-037
-002 -MY3.Hsieh, H. M. | 4
Aug 2020 to July
“Evaluation of Health Inequality and Feasibility Assessment of Establishment
of Pay-for-Performance Integrated Care Models for Patients with
Schizophrenia Comorbid with Diabetes Mellitus”
Principle investigator, PI
Funding source: Ministry to Science and Technology, MOST 109-2423-H-
037 -001 -SS3.
Aug 2019 to July
“Applying health economic theory to investigate the association
between cancer screening policy, utilization and cancer prognosis”
Principle investigator, PI
Funding source: Ministry to Science and Technology, MOST 108-2410-H-
037 -007 -036.
Jan 2018 to Oct
“Study of Quality Indicators for Chronic Kidney Disease Care”
Funding sources: the National Health Insurance Administration
Aug 2017 to July
“A Study of the Association Between the Cancer Quality Improvement and
Prevention Program and Cancer Screening (II)”
Principle investigator, PI
Funding source: Ministry to Science and Technology, MOST106-2314-B-
June2017 to Dec
“Risk assessment of occupational diseases among workers in restaurant &
food services industry”
Principle investigator, PI
Funding source: Institution of labor, occupational safety and health, Ministry
of Labor
Jan2017 to Dec
“Economic Evaluation for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Screening and
Early CKD and pre-ESRD disease management program”,
sub-granted under the project “Using HTA methodology to investigate the
cost-effectiveness of the prevention and treatment strategies on common
major diseases in Taiwan”
Principle investigator, PI for the sub-grant.
Funding source: Center for Drug Evaluation (RC1051116)
Aug 2016 to July
“A Study of the Association Between the Cancer Quality Improvement and
Prevention Program and Cancer Screening”
Principle investigator, PI
Funding source: Ministry to Science and Technology, MOST105-2314-B-
Aug 2016 to June
“Economic Evaluation of Lung Cancer Screening with Low-dose
Computerized Tomography for Smoking Groups”
Principle investigator, PI
Funding source: Center for Drug Evaluation
Jan 2016 to Dec
“Clinical Outcomes and Cost-Effectiveness of an Integrated Cardiac-Kidney-
Diabetes-Neuro Care Program”
Funding source: National Health Research Institution (RB1050702)
Jan 2016 to Dec
“Epidemiology study of occupational diseases among workers in food and
beverage manufacturing, plastic products manufacturing, transport equipment
manufacturing and repairing industry”Hsieh, H. M. | 5
Funding source: Institution of labor, occupational safety and health, Ministry
of Labor
Aug 2015 to July
“Long-term outcomes and healthcare utilization in older hip fracture patients
comorbid with parkinsonism”
Funding source: Ministry to Science and Technology, MOST 104-2314-B-
037 -026 -MY3
May 2014 to July
“A Study of the Association Between Diabetes Pay-for-Performance Program
and Cancer Care Under Taiwanese National Health Insurance”
Principle investigator, PI
Funding source: Ministry to Science and Technology, MOST 103-2314-B-
037 -001
Jan 2014 to Sep
“Effectiveness Evaluation of Pre-ESRD patient care and education program
under the National Health Insurance Program”
Funding source: National Health Insurance Administration
Aug 2012 to July
“Impact of Medical Technological Innovation on Clinical Outcomes and
Cost-Effectiveness of Surgical CRC Patients”
Funding source: Ministry to Science and Technology, NSC101-2314-B037-
Nov 2012 to Nov
“Evaluation of Pay-for-Performance and Establishment of Prospective
Payment for
Integrated Care”
Funding source: National Health Insurance Administration, DOH101-NH-
Dec 2012 to Dec
“Effect of Cuts in Reimbursement on First-Year Mortality in Incident ESRD
Dialysis Patients”
Principle investigator, PI
Funding source: Kaohsiung Medical University, KMU-Q102001
June 2012 to Dec
“Evaluation of Dialysis Therapy Reimbursement Policy in Taiwan”
Funding source: Ministry of Health, DOH-101K6188
PUBLICATIONS (*: Corresponding Author)
1. Su, P.H., Tsai, J.R., Chang, W.L and Hsieh, H.M.* (2024). “Metabolic Syndrome and Spatial
Disparities: The Role of Socioeconomic Deprivation and Medical Resource Availability in the
Cijin District, Taiwan”. Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Science. Accepted on Oct 31st 2024.
2. Hsieh, H.M., Ho, C.M., Chen, Y.H., Hsu, W.H., Wang, Y.K., Wang, Y. Y, Yang, S. S., Wu, I.
C.* (2024). “Cost-Effectiveness of Universal Esophageal Cancer Screening for NewlyHsieh, H. M. | 6
Diagnosed Oral Cancer Patients”. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. Accepted on Sep
27, 2024. (SCI, IF=3.7, 40/143 Q2 in GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY)
3. Shen, C.T., Hsieh, H.M.*, Y.H. Tsao (2024). “Socioeconomic Inequalities in Uptake of
Outreach Mammography Before and After Accessibility Improvement of Taiwan's National
Universal Breast Cancer Screening Policy”. BMC Public Health. Accepted on August 23. (SCI,
IF=3.5, 84/403 Q1 in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health).
4. Rahmawati, T., Hsieh, H.M.*
, Fu-Wen Liang (2024). “Inequalities in women’s health insurance
coverage before and after the implementation of universal health insurance in Indonesia”.
Journal of Public Health Policy. Volume 45, pages 319–332, (2024). (SCI/SSCI, IF=3.8, 19/87 in health policy &
services) (MOST 109-2423-H-037-001-SS3; NSTC 112-2628-H-037 -002 -MY3).
5. Rahmawati, T., Hsieh, H.M.* (2024). “Appraisal of Universal Health Insurance and Maternal
Health Services Utilization: Pre- and Post-Context of the Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN)
Implementation in Indonesia”. Frontiers in Public Health, section Health Economics. Volume
12. (SCI/SSCI, IF=5.2, 25/180 in PUBLIC,
NSTC 112-2628-H-037 -002 -MY3).
6. Chung, H.W., Hsieh, H.M., Lee, C.H., Lin, Y.C., Tsao, Y.H., Feng, M.C., Hung, C.H. (2023).
“Air pollution after acute bronchiolitis is a risk factor for preschool asthma: a nested case-control
study”. Environmental Health. 22 (1): 83.
7. Hu, S.H., Huang, M.Y., Chen,C.Y.#, and Hsieh, H.M.* (2023). “Treatment Patterns of Targeted
and Nontargeted Therapies and Survival Effects in Patients with Locally Advanced Head and
Neck Cancer in Taiwan”. BMC cancer. Accepted on June 12 2023. (Grant No. MOST 109-2423-
H-037-001-SS3, MOHW110-TDU-B-212-144016).
8. Chen, Y.H., Ho, C.M., Wang, Y.Y., Yuan, S.S., Hsieh, H.M.#, and Wu, I.C.* (2023). “Effect of
Esophageal Cancer Screening on Mortality in Patients with Oral Cancer and Second Primary
Esophageal Cancer in Taiwan”, American Journal of Otolaryngology, 44 (4), July–August 2023,
103856. Equal contribution to the corresponding author. (Grant No. KMU-M108007; MOST105-2314-B-
037-063, MOST106-2314-B-037-036, MOST 108-2410-H-037-007; MOST 109-2423-H-037-
001-SS3, MOHW110-TDU-B-212-144016).
9. Shen, C.T., Tai, S.Y., Tsao, Y.H., Chen, F.M., Hsieh, H.M*(2023). “Abortion and female
cancer risks among women aged 20 to 45 years: a 10-year longitudinal population-based cohort
study in Taiwan” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Accepted
on Feb 15, 2023. (Grant No. MOST 109-2423-H-037-001-SS3)
10. Hsieh, H.M., Weng, S.F., Lin, P.C., Liu, T.L., and Huang, C.J.* (2023). “Health-related Quality
of Life, Medical Resource Use and Physical function in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus and
Depression: A Cross-sectional Analysis from the National Health and Nutrition Examination
Survey”. Journal of Affective Disorders. Accepted on Feb 2nd, 2023.
11. Hsu, W.H., Shih, H.Y., Shen, C.S., Yu, F.J., Wang, H.C., Chan, L.P., Kao, C.H., Hsieh, H.M.#
and Wu, I.C.* (2022). “Prevention and management of esophageal stricture after esophageal
ESD: 10 years of experience in a single medical center”, Journal of Formosa MedicineHsieh, H. M. | 7
Association. 2022 Dec 24;S0929-6646(22)00445-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jfma.2022.12.006. Equal
contribution to the corresponding author.
12. Shen, C.T., Hsieh, H.M.*, Chuang, Y.S., Pan, C.H., and Wu, M.T. (2022). “Breast Cancer
Incidence among Female Workers by Different Occupations and Industries: A Longitudinal
Population-Based Matched Case–Control Study in Taiwan”. International Journal of
Environmental Research and Public Health. 19(16), 10352;
13. Ho, C.M., Hsu, W.H., Wang, Y.Y., Yuan, S.S., Wu, I.C.#*, and Hsieh, H.M.#* (2022).
“Comparative Effectiveness and Stage-shift Effect of Endoscopic Exam among Newly
Diagnosed Oral Cancer Patients with Different Stages in Taiwan”. Head and Neck. SCI, IF=3.147(Grant No. KMU-M108007; MOST105-2314-
B-037-063, MOST106-2314-B-037-036, MOST 108-2410-H-037-007; MOST 109-2423-H-037-
001-SS3, MOHW110-TDU-B-212-144016). Equal contribution to the corresponding author.
14. Hsieh, H.M.*, Shen, C.T., Chen, L.S., Chen, F.M., and Yeh, C.J. (2022). “Moderation Effect of
Mammography Screening among Women with Multiple Chronic Conditions”, Scientific
Reports. (2022) 12:2303. (SCI, IF=4.380,
Ranking=17/72, multidisciplinary sciences) (Grant No. KMU-M108007; MOST105-2314-B-
037-063, MOST106-2314-B-037-036, MOST 108-2410-H-037-007; MOST 109-2423-H-037-
15. Shen, C.T., Hsieh, H.M., Chang, Y.L., Tsai, H.Y., and Chen, F.M.* (2022). “Different Impacts
of Cancer Types on Cancer Screening During COVID-19 Pandemic in Taiwan”, Journal of
Formosan Medical Association, Accepted on Feb 9th, 2022.
16. Huang, C.J., Huang, Y.T., Lin, P.C., Hsieh, H.M.#*, and Yang, Y.H.#*(2022). “Mortality and
suicide of major depressive disorder before and after type 2 diabetes mellitus”, Journal of
Clinical Psychiatry 83(1):20m13692. (SSCI/SCI,
IF=4.384, 28/172 in psychology, clinical; 31/250 in psychiatry). Equal contribution to the
corresponding author.
17. Hsieh, H.M.* (2021). “Effect of Accessibility Improvement in a National Population-based
Breast Cancer Screening Policy on Mammography Utilization among Women with Comorbid
Conditions in Taiwan”, Social Science and Medicine. 284. 114245 (September 2021). (SCI/SSCI, IF=4.634, ranking=3/45, social
sciences, biomedical; ranking 20/176, public, environmental & occupational health) (Grant No.
KMU-M108007; MOST105-2314-B-037-063, MOST106-2314-B-037-036, MOST 108-2410-H-
037-007; MOST 109-2423-H-037-001-SS3)
18. Hsieh, H.M.*, Chang, W.C., Shen, C.T., Liu, Y., Chen, F.M., Kang, Y.T. (2021). “Mediation
Effect of Health Beliefs in the Relationship between Health Knowledge and Uptake of
Mammography in a National Breast Cancer Screening Program in Taiwan.” Journal of Cancer
Education, 36(4):832-843. (Published on line 26 February 2020). (SCI/SSCI, IF=2.037, ranking=29/78 in Education,
Scientific disciplines). (Grant No. KMU-M108007; MOST105-2314-B-037-063, MOST106-
2314-B-037-036, MOST 108-2410-H-037-007).
19. Shen, C.T., Hsieh, H.M.*, Pan, C.H., Wu, M.T., and Chuang, Y.S. (2021). “Breast Cancer Risks
among Female Health Professionals: a 35-year Population-Based Longitudinal Cohort Study in
Taiwan”, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 61(6): 831-840 (SSCI/SCI, IF=5.043,Hsieh, H. M. | 8
ranking=13/176, public, environmental and occupational health) (Grant No. KMU-M108007;
MOST105-2314-B-037-063, MOST106-2314-B-037-036, MOST 108-2410-H-037-007; MOST
20. Chen, H.C., Wu, C.I., Hsieh, H.Y., He, J.S., Hwang, S.J., and Hsieh, H.M.* (2021). “Predictors
and Assessment of Hospice Use for End-Stage Renal Disease Patients in Taiwan”, International
Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19(1):85. (SSCI/ SCI, IF=3.390, Ranking=42/176 in public,
environmental & occupational health). (Grant No. KMU-M108007; MOST105-2314-B-037-063,
MOST106-2314-B-037-036, MOST 108-2410-H-037-007; MOST 109-2423-H-037-001-SS3).
21. Peng, C.Y., Hsieh, H.M.*, Li, M.Y., Liaw, L.J., Wang, C.L., Pan, C.H., and Wu, M.T. (2021).
“Gender Differences and Site-Specific Incident Risks of Musculoskeletal Disorders among
224,506 Workers in the Food and Beverage Service Industry in Taiwan: A 15-year Nationwide
Population-Based Cohort Study”, Journal of Occupational Health. (SCI, IF=2.708,
ranking=99/203, Public, Environmental & Occupational Health). (Grant No. MOST 109-2423-
22. Kao, C.C., Hsieh, HM.#, Lee, D.Y., Hsieh, K.P., and Sheu, S.J.#*(2021).
“Importance of
medication adherence in treatment needed diabetic retinopathy”, Scientific Reports. 11, 19100. (SCI, IF=4.379) Equal contribution to the
corresponding author.
23. Huang, C.J., Weng, S.F., Wang, J.J., and Hsieh, H.M.*(2021). “Competing Risk Analysis of the
Association Between Dementia and Major Depressive Disorder: a Nationwide Population-based
Study in Taiwan.” Aging and Mental Health. 25(4): 766-772. (SCI/SSCI, IF=3.658,
Ranking=8/46 in Gerontology).
24. Wu, T.C., Peng, C.Y.*
, Hsieh, H.M., Pan, C.H., Wu, M.T., Lin, P.C., Wu, C.F., and Hsieh, T.J.
(2021). “Reduction of aldehyde emission and attrition of environment burden in cooking fumes
from food stalls using a novel fume collector.” Environmental Research. Online ahead of print.
(SCI, IF=5.715).
25. Shen, C.T., Chen, F.M., and Hsieh, H.M.* (2020). “Effect of a National Population-based
Breast Cancer Screening Policy on Participation in Mammography and Stage at Breast Cancer
Diagnosis in Taiwan.” Health Policy. 124(4):478-485. (SCI/SSCI, IF=2.980, ranking 34/112 in
Health policy& services). (Grant No. KMU-M108007; KMTTH-106-003; MOST105-2314-B-
037-063, MOST106-2314-B-037-036, MOST 108-2410-H-037-007 -).
26. Huang, C.J., Weng, S.F., Wang, J.J., and Hsieh, H.M.*(2020). “Competing Risk Analysis of the
Association Between Dementia and Major Depressive Disorder: a Nationwide Population-based
Study in Taiwan.” Aging and Mental Health. Accepted on Jan 19 2020. (SCI/SSCI, IF=2.956,
Ranking=7/36 in Genrontology).
27. Huang, C.J., Hsieh, H.M., Tu, H.P., Jiang, H.J.,Wang, P.W., Lin, C.H.* (2020). “Generalized
anxiety disorder in type 2 diabetes mellitus: prevalence and clinical characteristics.” Braz J
Psychiatry. 2020 Apr 17. doi: 10.1590/1516-4446-2019-0605.
28. Wang, S.L., Chiu, Y.W., Kung, L. F., Chen, T.H., Hsiao, S. M., Hsiao, P.N., Hwang, S.J., and
Hsieh, H.M.*(2019). “Patient Assessment of CKD Self-Care Using the CKDSC scale in
Taiwan”. Nephrology. 24(6): 615-621 (SCI, IF=2.178, Ranking=35/76)., H. M. | 9
29. Li, J.W., Hsieh, H.M., Weng, S.F., and Lee, I.C.* (2019). “Polypharmacy and Utilization of
Health Care Services: A Cohort Study of People Aged Over 50 Years in Taiwan. Asia-Pacific
Journal of Public Health. Accepted (in press). DOI: 10.1177/1010539519828077. (SCI/ SSCI,
IF=1.013, Ranking=124/157, 78.62%).
30. Chiu, H.C., Hsieh, H.M., Wan, C.L., Tsai, H.L. and Wang, J.Y.* (2019). “Cost-Effectiveness of
mini-laparotomy in patients with colorectal cancers: A propensity scoring matching approach.
Plos One. 14(1):e0209970. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0209970. (SCI, IF=2.261,
31. Wang, S.L., Chiu, Y.W., Kung, L. F., Chen, T.H., Hsiao, S. M., Hsiao, P.N., Hwang, S.J., and
Hsieh, H.M.*(2018). “Patient Assessment of CKD Self-Care Using the CKDSC scale in
Taiwan”. Nephrology. Accepted on August 12th 2018 (SCI, IF=2.178, Ranking=35/76).
32. Ku, L.J., Chang, S.M., Pai, M.C.* and Hsieh, H.M., Predictors of caregiver burden and care
costs for older persons with dementia in Taiwan. International Psychogeriatrics (Accepted on
Dec 2018). DOI: 10.1017/S1041610218001382.
33. Huang, C. J., Hsieh, H. M., Tu, H. P., Jiang, H. J., Wang, P.W., and Lin, C. H.*(2018).
“Schizophrenia in Type 2 diabetes mellitus: Prevalence and Clinical Characteristics”. European
psychiatry. Accepted on August 19th 2018. (SSCI, IF=4.129, Ranking 21/142).
34. Lin, M. Y., Cheng, L.J., Chiu, Y.W., Hsieh, H. M., Wu, P. H., Lin, Y. T., Wang, S. L., Jian, F.
S., Yang, S. A., Lee, H. L., and Hwang, S. J.*(2018). “Effect of National Pre-ESRD Care
Program on Expenditures and Mortality in Incident Dialysis Patients: A Population-based
Study”. PLOS one. Accepted on May 18th, 2018.
35. Hung, Y.C., Lin, Y.C., Hsieh, H.M., Huang, C.J. and Chiu, H.C.* (2018). “Impact of Non-apnea
Sleep Disorders on Diabetic Control and Metabolic Outcome - A Population-Based Cohort
Study.” General Hospital Psychiatry. Accepted on 01.18.2018. (SCI/SSCI, IF=2.297).
36. Wu, C.F., Hsiung, C.A., Tsai, H. J., Tsai, Y.C., Hsieh, H.M., Chen, B.H. and Wu, M.T.* (2018).
“Interaction of melamine and di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate exposure on markers of early renal
damage in children: The 2011 Taiwan food scandal.” Environmental Pollution, 235: 453-461.
(SCI, IF=5.099).
37. Hsieh, H.M.*, Chiu, H.C., Lin, Y.T., and Shin, S. J. (2017). “A Diabetes Pay-for-Performance
Program and Competing Causes of Death among Cancer Survivors with Type 2 Diabetes in
Taiwan”. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 29(4): 512-520. (SCI/SSCI,
IF=2.342, Ranking=18/77, Health Policy & services in SSCI; Ranking=32/90, Health care
sciences & services in SCI) (Grant No.: MOST-103-2314-B-037-001; MOST105-2314-B-037-
38. Hsieh, H.M.*, He, J.S., Shin, S.J., Chiu, H.C. and Lee, T.C. (2017). “A Diabetes Pay-for-
performance Program and Risks of Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Patients with Type 2
Diabetes in Taiwan”. Preventing Chronic Disease, Accepted on April 7, 2017. (SCI/SSCI,
IF=1.802, Ranking=63/157, public, environmental & occupational health in SSCI;
Ranking=91/176, public, environmental & occupational health in SCI) (Grant No.: MOST-103-
2314-B-037-001; MOST105-2314-B-037-063).Hsieh, H. M. | 10
39. Hsieh, H. M., Lin, M. Y., Chiu, Y.W., Wu, P. H., Cheng, L. J., Jian, F. S., Hsu, C. C., and
Hwang, S. J.* (2017). “Economic Evaluation of a Pre-ESRD Pay-for-Performance Program in
Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease Patients”. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 32(7): 1184-
1194. (SCI, IF=4.470, Ranking 4/25, Transplantation; Ranking 10/76, Urology& nephrology)
(M0HW103-NH-1001; KMUH103-3R10; MOST-103-2314-B-037-001).
40. Huang, C. J., Hsieh, H.M., Tu, H.P., Jiang, H. J., Wang, P. W., Lin, C. H.* (2017). “Major
Depressive Disorder in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Prevalence and clinical
characteristics”. Journal of Affective Disorders. Accepted on Sep 25. 2017. (SSCI, IF=3.432,
Ranking 26/139, Psychiatry).
41. Chiu, H.C., Lin, Y.C., Hsieh, H.M., Chen, H.P., Wang, H. L., and Wang, J.Y. (2017). “The
Impact of Complications on Prolonged Length of Hospital Stay after Resection in Colorectal
Cancer Patients”. Journal of International Medical Research, Accepted on Nov 21, 2016. (SCI,
IF=1.431, Ranking 91/124, medicine, research & experiment; Ranking 197/255, pharmacology&
42. Tu, H. P., Lin, C. H., H. M. Hsieh, Jiang, H. J., Wang, P. W., Huang, C. J. (2017). “Prevalence
of anxiety disorder in patients with type 2 diabetes: a nationwide population-based study in
Taiwan 2000–2010”
. Psychiatric Quarterly. 88(1): 75-91, (SSCI, IF=1.43, Ranking 77/133,
43. Chiu, P.Y., Chang, C.J., Tsai, L.L., Chang, Y. J. and Hsieh, H.M.* (2016). “The Application of
Risk Adjustment Models to Predict Health Expenditures Under the Capitation Payment System
in Family Medicine Practices Groups in the KaoPing Area”. Taiwan Journal of Public Health,
35(6): 595-608 (TSSCI, in Chinese version) (KMUTP104A33).
44. Hsieh, H. M., Shin, S. J., Tsai, S. L., and Chiu, H. C.* (2016). “Effectiveness of Pay-for-
Performance Incentive Designs on Diabetes Care”. Medical Care, 52(12): 1063-1069.
(SCI/SSCI, 2016 IF=3.232, Ranking 8/71, Health Policy & services; Ranking 15/89, Health care
sciences & services) (MOST 103-2314-B-037 -001).
45. Hsieh, H.M., Lin, T. H., Lee, I. C., Huang, C. J., Shin, S. J. and Chiu, H. C.* (2016). “The
Association between Participation in a Pay-for-performance Program and Macrovascular
Complications in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Taiwan: A Nationwide Population-Based
Cohort Study”. Preventive Medicine, 85: 53-59. (SCI, IF=3.086, Ranking 31/165, Public,
Environmental & Occupational Health; 25/154, Medicine, general & internal) (MOST 103-
2314-B-037 -001).
46. Hsieh, H.M., Tsai, S. L., Mau, L. W., and Chiu, H. C.* (2016). “Effects of Changes in Diabetes
Pay-for-Performance Incentive Designs on Patient Risk Selection”. Health Services Research.
51(2): 667-686. (SCI/SSCI, IF=2.781; Ranking: 9/71, Health Policy & Services; 20/89, Health
Care Sciences & Services).
47. Wu, IC, Hsieh, H.M., Yu, FJ, Wu, MC, Wu, TS, Wu, MT*. (2016). “A Long-term Risk-Benefit
Analysis of Low-dose Aspirin in Primary Prevention”. European Journal of Clinical
Investigation. 2016;46:2-130-140. (SCI, IF=2.687, Ranking: 28/155, Medicine, general &
internal; Ranking: 57/128, Medicine, research & experimental).
48. Chen, K. H., Hsieh, H. M., Chen, C. M., Chiu, H. C., and Lee, I. C.*(2016). “The long-term
trends of the association between falls among the elderly in Taiwan and their use of medical
facilities”. International Journal of Gerontology. Accepted on Aug 22, 2016.Hsieh, H. M. | 11
49. Tai, S. Y., Hsieh, H. M., Huang, S.P., Wu, M.T.* (2016). “Hair dye use, regular exercise, and
the risk and prognosis of prostate cancer: multicenter case–control and case-only studies.”. BMC
cancer, 16(1) : 242. (SCI, IF=3.362, Ranking 81/211, Oncology).
50. Chiu, H.C.*, Hsieh, H. M., Lin, Y. C., Kuo, S. J., H. Y. Kao, S. J. Yeh, W. H. Chang, P. J.
Hsiao, Y. S., Chen, S. L. Lin, G. H. Lo, C. G. Ker, Y. H. Hung, H. A. Cheng, T. H. Chou, S. Y.
Chou, J. H. Wang, C. F. Wang. (2016). “Patient Assessment of Diabetes Care in a Pay-for-
Performance Program”. International Journal for Quality in Health Care. 28(2): 183-190.
(SSCI, IF=1.75, Ranking 30/71, Health Policy & Services).
51. Lin, F.C., Chuang, Y. S., Hsieh, H. M., Lee, T. C., Chiu, K. F., Liu, C.K., and Wu, M. T.*
(2015.11). “Early Statin Therapy Ameliorates the Progression of Alzheimer's disease: A
Nationwide Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study”, Medicine, 94(47): e2143 (SCI,
IF=2.133, Ranking 40/155, Medicine, general& internal).
52. Hsieh, H. M., Gu, S. M., Shin, S. J., Kao, H. Y., Lin, Y. C. and Chiu, H. C.* (2015). “Cost-
Effectiveness of a Diabetes Pay-for-Performance Program in Diabetes Patients with Multiple
Chronic Conditions”. PLOS One. 10(7): e0133163 (SCI, IF=3.234, Ranking 8/56,
Multidisciplinary Sciences).
53. Hsieh, H.M., Tsai, S. L., Shin, S. J., Mau, L. W., and Chiu, H.C.*(2015), “Cost-Effectiveness of
Diabetes Pay-for-Performance Incentive Designs”, Medical Care, 53(2): 106-115. (SCI/SSCI,
2014 IF=3.232, Ranking 8/71, Health Policy & services; Ranking 15/89, Health care sciences &
services; Ranking 27/162, Public, environmental & occupational health).
54. Huang, C. J., Chiu, H.C., Hsieh, H.M., Yen, J. Y., Lee, M.H., Chang, K.P., Li, C. Y., Lin, C.
H.* (2015). “Healthcare Utilization and Expenditures of Persons with Diabetes Comorbid with
Anxiety Disorder: A National Population-Based Cohort Study”, General Hospital Psychiatry
(Accepted on April 15, 2015)(SCI/SSCI, IF=2.606, Ranking 58/140, Psychiatry (SCI), 32/124,
Psychiatry (SSCI)).
55. Kao, S. H., Lu, D. K., Lin, Y. L., Hsieh, H.M., Lin, T.H., and Chiu, H. C.*(2015). “Association
of Physician Certification Policy and Quality of Care: Evidence of Percutaneous Coronary
Intervention Certification Program in Taiwan”. Health Policy. Accepted on March 12, 2015.
(SCI, IF=1.907, Ranking 33/70, Health Policy& Services; Ranking 37/89, Health care sciences
& services).
56. Liu, C. C, Hsieh, H.M., Wu, C. F., Hsieh, T. J., Huang, S. P., Chou, Y. H., Hung, C. H., Wu, W.
J. and Wu, M. T.* (2015). “Long-term prescription of α-blockers decrease the risk of recurrent
urolithiasis needed for surgical intervention-a nationwide population-based study”, PLOS one,
accepted on Feb 27th 2015. (Equally contribution to the work with the first author). (SCI,
IF=3.234, Ranking 8/56, Multidisciplinary Sciences).
57. Wu, C. F., Peng, C.Y., Liu, C. C, Lin, W.Y., Pan, C.C., Cheng, C.M., Hsieh, H.M., Hsieh, T.J.,
Chen, B.H., and Wu, M.T.*(2015). “Ambient Melamine Exposure and Urinary Biomarkers of
Early Renal Injury”, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN), accepted on Feb
24th, 2015. (SCI, IF=9.466, Ranking=2/77, Urology & Hephrology).
58. Wu, I. C., Hsieh, H. M., and Wu, M. T.* (2015). “A Short-term Risk-Benefit Analysis of
Occasional and Regular Use of Low-dose Aspirin in Primary Prevention of Vascular Diseases: A
Nationwide Population-based Study”, BMJ open, 5: e006694. (SCI) (SCI, IF=2.063, Ranking
43/156, Medicine, general & internal).
59. Cheng, J. S., Tsai, W.C., Lin, C.L., Chen, L., Lang, H.C., Hsieh, H.M., Shin, S. J., Chen, T.,
Huang, C.T., Hsu,C.C* (2015). “Trend and factors associated with healthcare use and costs inHsieh, H. M. | 12
type 2 diabetes mellitus: A decade experience of a universal health insurance program”, Medical
Care, 53(2):116-124. (SCI/SSCI, 2014 IF=3.232, Ranking 8/71, Health Policy & services;
Ranking 15/89, Health care sciences & services; Ranking 27/162, Public, environmental &
occupational health).
60. Wu, I.C., Lin, M.Y., Yu, F.J., Hsieh, H.M., Chiu, K.F., Wu MT* (2014), “A Short-term Effect
of Low-dose Aspirin on Major Hemorrhagic Risks in Primary Prevention: A Case-Crossover
Design”. PLOS One, May 2014, 9(5): e98326. (SCI, IF=3.234, Ranking 8/56, Multidisciplinary
61. Hsieh, H.M.*, Bazzoli, G. J., Chen, H. F., Stratton, L. S. and Clement, D. G. (2014), “Did
Budget Cuts in Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital Payment Affect Hospital Quality of
Care?”, Medical Care, 52(5), pp. 415-421. (SCI/SSCI, 2014 IF=3.232, Ranking 8/71, Health
Policy & services; Ranking 15/89, Health care sciences & services; Ranking 27/162, Public,
environmental & occupational health).
62. Simpson, R.J.*, Tunceli, K., Ramey, D.R., Neff, D. R., Kern, D.M., Hsieh, H.M., Wertz, D.A.,
Stephenson, J. Marrett, J., E., Tomassini, J.E., and Jacobson, T.A. (2013), “Treatment Pattern
Changes in High-Risk Patients Newly Initiated on Statin Monotherapy in a Managed Care
Setting”, Journal of Clinical Lipidology, 7(5), pp.399-407. (SCI, IF=3.904; Ranking 44/250,
63. Hsieh, H.M.* and Bazzoli, G. J. (2012), “Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital Payment:
How Does It Impact Hospitals’ Provision of Uncompensated Care?”, Inquiry 49(3), pp. 254-267
(SCI/SSCI, IF=0.654, 66/72, Health Care Sciences & Services).
64. Bazzoli, G.J.*, Lee, W., Hsieh, H.M. and Mobley, L.R. (2012), “The Effects of Safety Net
Hospital Closures and Conversions on Patient Travel Distance to Hospital Services”, Health
Services Research, 47(1), pp. 129-150. (SCI/SSCI, IF=2.781; Ranking: 9/71, Health Policy &
Services; 20/89, Health Care Sciences & Services).
65. Hsieh, H.M.*, Clement, D.G., and Bazzoli, G.J. (2010). “Impacts of Market and Organizational
Characteristics on Hospital Efficiency and Uncompensated Care”, Health Care Management
Review, 35(1), pp. 77-87. (SSCI, IF=1.875, Ranking=19/49, Health Policy & Services).
66. Bazzoli, G.J.*, Clement, J.P. and Hsieh, H.M. (2010), “Community Benefit Activities of
Private, Non-Profit Hospitals”, Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 35(6), pp.999-1026.
(SCI/SSCI, IF=1.24)
67. Chen, H.F.*, Bazzoli, G.J. and Hsieh, H.M. (2009). “Hospital Financial Condition and the
Provision of Unprofitable Services”, Atlantic Economic Journal 37(3), pp. 259-277.
▪ Hsieh, H.M., and Cheng, W.C., “Comparison of Perceived Attitudes, Collaborative Behaviors,
and Barriers for Schizophrenia Patients Comorbid with T2DM between Healthcare providers
with Specialty in Endocrinology and Psychiatry”. poster presentation at the 2023 Academy
Health Annual Research Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA, June 24-27, 2023.
▪ Hsieh, H.M. and Lin, Y.C.. “Assessment of the Perspective of Barriers for Caring Schizophrenia
Patients with Diabetes between Health Professionals with Specialties in Endocrinology and
Psychiatry”, poster presentation at the 2023 Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, Seattle,
WA, USA, June 24-27, 2023.Hsieh, H. M. | 13
▪ Hsieh, H.M. and Chang, K.H. “Examining Quality and Health Utilization of Diabetes Care in
Patients Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes Comorbid with and without Schizophrenia.” poster
presentation at the 2023 Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA, June
24-27, 2023.
▪ Hsiao, C.Y., and Hsieh, H.M. “A 10-year Population Prevalence Trend of Dementia in Patients
with T2DM in Taiwan from 2009 to 2018”. poster presentation at the 2023 Academy Health
Annual Research Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA, June 24-27, 2023.
▪ Tsao, Y.H., and Hsieh, H.M. “Improving Health by Mitigating the Air Pollution? A 10-year
Comparison of Mortality and Trend of the Concentration of PM2.5 in Taiwan.” poster
presentation at the 2023 Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA, June
24-27, 2023.
▪ Wu, Y.J., and Hsieh, H.M. “Association between Alcohol, Betal nut chewing, and Smoking
Exposures and Survival in Oropharyngeal Cancer in Taiwan.” poster presentation at the 2023
Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA, June 24-27, 2023.
▪ Chang, W.S., and Hsieh, H.M. “Compare a 10-year population prevalence trend of age-related
macular degeneration between diabetes and general population in Taiwan from 2009 to 2018”.
poster presentation at the 2023 Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA,
June 24-27, 2023.
▪ Huang, W.C. and Hsieh, H.M. “A 10-Year Utilization Trend of Breast Cancer Low-Value
Surgery in Taiwan.” poster presentation at the 2023 Academy Health Annual Research Meeting,
Seattle, WA, USA, June 24-27, 2023.
▪ Hu, S.H.. and Hsieh, H.M. “Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Risk Scoring Model in Population-
Based Oral Cancer Screening Program of Taiwan.” poster presentation at 2022 International
Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research. On-line virtual conference, 2022.
▪ Hu, S.H. and Hsieh, H.M. “Targeted Therapy and Treatment Trends in Locally Advanced Head
and Neck Cancer in Taiwan: A Population-Based Retrospective Study.” poster presentation at
2021 International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research. On-line virtual
conference, 2022.
▪ Ho,C.M. and Hsieh, H.M. “Economic Evaluation of Esophageal Cancer Screening Among
Patients with Oral Cavity Cancer in Taiwan.” poster presentation at 2021 International Society
for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research. On-line virtual conference, May 17-20, 2021.
▪ Hsieh, H.M., Chang, W.C., and Shen, C. T. “Mediation Effect of Health Beliefs in the
Relationship between Health Knowledge and Uptake of Mammography in a National Breast
Cancer Screening Program in Taiwan”, poster presentation at the 2019 Academy Health Annual
Research Meeting, Washington D.C., USA, June 2-4 2019.
▪ Hsieh, H.M., “Association between Community-Based Cancer Screening Expansion Policy and
the Participation of Cervical and Breast Cancer Screening in Taiwan”, poster presentation at the
2018 Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA, June 24-26 2018.
▪ Hsieh, H.M., “Economic Evaluation of Lung Cancer Screening with Low-dose Computerized
Tomography (LDCT) for Smoking Groups in Taiwan”, poster presentation at the 2017 22ndHsieh, H. M. | 14
International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) Annual
internation meeting, Boston, MA, USA, May 20-24 2017.
▪ Hsieh, H. M., He, J. S., and H. C. Chiu, “The association between participation in a diabetes
pay-for-performance program and the competing causes of death for cancer survivors with type
2 diabetes in Taiwan”, poster presentation at the 2016 AcademyHealth Annual Research
Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, June 26-28 2016.
▪ Hsieh, H. M., M. Y. Lin, and S. J. Hwang, “Cost-Effectiveness of a Pre-ESRD Pay-for-
Performance Program in Pre-dialized Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease Patients in Taiwan”,
Oral Presentation at the 2015 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Public Health Association, New Taipei
City, Taiwan, Oct 2015 and oral presentation at the 2016 AcademyHealth Annual Research
Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, June 26-28 2016.
▪ He, J. S., and Hsieh, H. M., “Effect of a Diabetes Pay-for-Performance Program on Cancer
Incidence and All-Cause Mortality Among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Taiwan” , poster
presentation at the 2016 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, June 26-
28 2016.
▪ M. Y. Lin, Hsieh, H. M., F. S. Jian, S. A. Yang, S. L. Wang, H. L. Lee, Y. W. Chiu, S. J.
Hwang, H. C. Chen, “Pay-for-performance program for Pre-ESRD patient care provides better
quality of care and saves medial cost in dialysis patient”, Oral Presentation at the 2014 Annual
Meeting of Taiwan Society of Nephrology, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 2014.
▪ Y. W. Chiu, Hsieh, H. M., M. Y. Lin, , F. S. Jian, S. A. Yang, S. L. Wang, H. L. Lee, , S. J.
Hwang, H. C. Chen, “Effects of the Pre-ESRD Pay-for-Performance Program on CAD, Stroke
and PVD Complication Rate”, Oral Presentation at the 2014 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society
of Nephrology, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 2014.
▪ H. M. Hsieh, M. Y. Lin, Y. W. Chiu, F. S. Jian, S. A. Yang, S. L. Wang, H. L. Lee, , S. J.
Hwang, H. C. Chen, “Effects of the Pre-ESRD Pay-for-Performance Program on CAD, Stroke
and PVD Complication Rate”, Oral Presentation at the 2014 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society
of Nephrology, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 2014.
▪ H. M. Hsieh, S. M. Gu, S. J. Hwang and Chiu, H.C., “Effectiveness of the Early-CKD Pay-for-
Performance Program on Short-Term Clinical Outcomes”, Oral Presentation at the 2014 Annual
Meeting of Taiwan Society of Nephrology, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 2014.
▪ H. M. Hsieh, S. M. Gu, S. J. Hwang and Chiu, H.C., “Cost-Effectiveness of the Early-CKD
Pay-for-Performance Program”, Oral Presentation at the 2014 Annual Meeting of Taiwan
Society of Nephrology, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 2014.
▪ Hsieh, H. M., Chiu, H. C., Shin, S. J., “Intermediate clinical Outcomes of Diabetes under
Different Pay-for-Performance Incentive Designs: A Population-Based Study”. Poster
Presentation at 2014 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, San Diageo, California, USA,
June 2014.
▪ Chiu, H. C., Hsieh, H. M., Shin, S. J., “Cost-Effectiveness of Different Financial Incentive
Designs under Diabetes Pay-for-Performance Program: A Population-Base Study”. Poster
Presentation at 2014 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, San Diageo, California, USA,
June 2014.
▪ Chiu, H. C., Hsieh, H. M., Lin, Y.C., Shin, S. J., “Effectiveness of the Pay-for-Performance
Program for Diabetes Care”. Oral Presentation at 2014 AcademyHealth Annual Research
Meeting, San Diageo, California, USA, June 2014.Hsieh, H. M. | 15
▪ Hsieh, H. M., Hwang, S. J., Chen, H. F., Mau, L.W, Lin, M.Y, Hsu, C.C, Yang, W.C., “Effect
of Cuts in Reimbursement on First-Year Mortality in Incident ESRD Dialysis Patients: A
Nationwide Population-Based Study over the Period 1999 to 2007”. Poster Presentation at 2014
AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, San Diageo, California, USA, June 2014.
▪ Hsieh, H. M., Hsu, C.C., Hwang, S. J., Yang, W.C., “Association between Chain Affiliation and
Quality of Care of Dialysis Providers: A Preliminary Study”. Oral Presentation at the 2012
Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Nephrology, Taichung, Taiwan, Dec 2012.
▪ Hsieh, H. M., Hwang, S. J., Hsu, C.C., Yang, W.C., “Impacts of Outpatient Dialysis Global
Budget Payment Policy under National Health Insurance: A Preliminary Study”. Poster
Presentation at the 2012 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Nephrology, Taichung, Taiwan,
Dec 2012.
▪ Simpson, R.J, Tunceli, K., Ramey D.R., Neff, D.R., Kern, D.M., Hsieh, H. M., Wertz, D. A. ,
Stephenson, J.J., Marrett, E., Tomassini, A.E., Jacobson, T. A., “Treatment Pattern Changes in
High-Risk Patients on Statin Monotherapy in a Managed Care Setting”. Poster Presentation at
the 80th European Atherosclerosis Society Congress (EAS), Milan, Italy, May 2012.
▪ Wertz, D.A., Stephenson. J.J., Hsieh, H.M., Chang, C.L., Zhang, J., Kuhn, R.J., “Impact of
Initiation of Tobramycin Solution for Inhalation (TIS) on Quality of Life among Patients with
Cystic Fibrosis (CF)”. Poster Presentation at North American Cystic Fibrosis (NACF)
Conference, Anaheim, California, Nov 2011.
▪ Lee, W., Bazzoli, G.J., Hsieh, H.M. and Mobley, L.R., “The Effect of Hospital Safety Net
Contractions on the Access to Care of Indigent and Minority Populations”. Poster-Oral
presentation at International Health Economics Association (iHEA) 8th World Congress,
Toronto, Canada, July 2011.
▪ Hsieh, H.M., and Bazzoli, G.J., “The Impact of Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital
Payments on Hospital Quality of Care”. Poster presentation at AcademyHealth Annual Research
Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. June 2010.
▪ Bazzoli, G. J., Lee, W., Hsieh, H.M. and Mobley, L.R., “Does Loss of Safety Net Hospitals in a
Community Disproportionately Affect Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups?" Oral presentation at
the American Society of Health Economics research meetings, Ithaca, NY, USA. June 2010.
▪ Bazzoli, G.J., Lee, W., Hsieh, H.M. and Mobley, L.R., “Does Loss of Safety Net Hospitals in a
Community Disproportionately Affect Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups?” Poster presentation
at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. June 2010.
▪ Huang, C.T., Hsieh, H.M., and Hsieh, H.Y., “Do the Palliative Care Consultation Services
Influence Terminal Cancer Patients’ Decision of Receiving Palliative Care?” Poster presentation
at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. June 2010.
▪ Hsieh, H.M., Bazzoli, G.J. and McCue, M.J., “The Impact of Medicaid Disproportionate Share
Hospital Payments on Hospital Uncompensated Care Provision”. Poster presentation at
AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA. June 2009.
▪ Bazzoli, G.J., Hsieh, H.M., Lee, W. and Mobley, L.R. “How Does Proximity to Safety Net
Resources Affect Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care?” Poster Presentation at
AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA. June 2009.
▪ Chen, H.F., Bazzoli, G.J. and Hsieh, H.M., “Hospital Financial Condition and the Provision of
Unprofitable Services”. Poster presentation at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting,
Chicago, Illinois, USA. June 2009.Hsieh, H. M. | 16
▪ Hsieh, H.M., Clement, D.G. and Bazzoli, G.J. “The Impact of Fiscal and Competitive Pressures
on Hospital Efficiency and the Provision of Uncompensated Care”. Poster presentation at
AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Washington D.C., USA. June 2008.
▪ Huarng, F. and Hsieh, H.M., “Physician’s Personal Value in TQM” , Proceedings of
International Conference on Knowledge-based Economy and Global Management, 136-145,
Tainan, Taiwan, Nov 2005.
▪ Huarng, F. and Hsieh, H.M., “Physicians in TQM: A Survey in Taiwan”. Presentation at
International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, pp.220-225, Los Angeles, USA. Aug
International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) ;
Taiwan Society of Health Economics (TaiSHE);
Taiwan Public Health Association;
Taiwan Epidemiology Association
Peer Review Journal Reviewer: Medical Care, Health Services Research, American Journal of
Managed Care, Health Policy, Health Care Management Review, BMC Health Service Research,
PLOS one, Primary Care, Journal of Diabetes Investigation, Health Systems, and Journal of
Journal of Healthcare Management (JHM) (Chinese edition).
Conference Theme Reviewer: AcademyHealth ARM 2016-2017 Global Health Theme Reviewer.