Name: Tsu-Nai Wang


Tel: 886-7-3121101 ext 2141-19



P.H.D. Graduate Institute of Medicine, College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, 1994-2000 

M.P.H. Graduate Institute of Public Health, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 1990-1992

B.S. Department of Public Health, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, 1986-1990


Professional Experience

2011~ Professor, Department of Public Health, College of Health Science, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 

2007 – 2011: Associate Professor, Department of Public Health, College of Health Science, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 

2001 –2007: Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

1992 –2001: Instructor, Department of Public Health, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan



Epidemiology, Public Health, genetic and environmental epidemiology



1.     Yung-Chi Chuang#, Hsin-Hua Tsai#, Meng-Chih Lin, Chao-Chien Wu, Yuan-Chung Lin, Tsu-Nai Wang*. Cluster analysis of phenotypes, job exposure, and inflammatory patterns in elderly and nonelderly asthma patients. Allergol Int. 2024 Apr;73(2):214-223. (IF=6.8, rank=8/38 in allergy, 2022)

2.     Yu-Chun Lin, Hung-Pin Tu, Tsu-Nai Wang*. Blood lipid profile, HbA1c, fasting glucose and diabetes: A cohort study and a two-sample Mendelian randomization analysis. J Endocrinol Invest. 2024 Apr;47(4):913-925.  (IF=5.4 in Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 2022)

3.     Yang PJ, Tsai EM, Hou MF, Lee YJ, Wang TN*. Global untargeted and individual targeted plasma metabolomics of breast cancer recurrence modified by hormone receptors. Breast Cancer. 2024 Apr 23. doi: 10.1007/s12282-024-01579-1. ((IF=4.0, rank=17/85 in allergy, 2022)

4.     Liu YS#, Lin YC#, Lin MC, Wu CC, Wang TN. Association of blood lipid profiles and asthma: A bidirectional two-sample Mendelian randomization study. Ann Hum Genet.  2024 Jul;88(4):307-319.

5.     Fang-Chi Lin, Pei-Shih Chen, Yuan-Chung Lin, Meng-Chih Lin, Chao-Chien Wu , Kang-Shin Chen, Chien-Hung Lee, Tsu-Nai Wang*. Body composition modify the association between ambient particulate matter and lung function among asthma patients. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2023 Aug;30(37):88060-88071. (IF=5.8, rank=67/274 in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, 2022)

6.      Ritesh Urade, Chon-Kit Chou, Han-Lin Chou, Bing-Hung Chen, Tsu-Nai Wang, Eing-Mei Tsai, Chun-Tzu Hung, Shyh-Jong Wu, Chien-Chih Chiu. Phthalate derivative DEHP disturbs the antiproliferative effect of camptothecin in human lung cancer cells by attenuating DNA damage and activating Akt/NF-κB signaling pathway. Environ Toxicol. 2023 Feb;38(2):332-342 (IF=4.109, rank=120/279 in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 2021)

7.      Vincent Chin-Hung Chen, Tsu-Nai Wang, Ming-Chia Hsieh, Shih-Yong Chou, Meng-Chih Lee, Roger S McIntyre, Mong-Liang Lu, Yin-To Liao, Chih-Jung Yeh. Depression, Diabetes Mellitus and Mortality in Older Adults: A National Cohort Study in Taiwan. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2022 Nov 10;18:2639-2648 (IF=2.989, rank=135/212 in CLINICAL NEUROLOGY 2021)

8.      Hsieh TH, Hsu CY, Yang PJ, Chiu CC, Liang SS, Ou-Yang F, Kan JY, Hou MF, Wang TN*, Tsai EM*. DEHP mediates drug resistance by directly targeting AhR in human breast cancer. Biomed Pharmacother. 2022 Jan;145:112400. (IF=7.419, rank=30/139 in in MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL 2021)

9.     Yang PJ, Hou MF, Ou-Yang F, Tsai EM, Wang TN*. Association of early-onset breast cancer with body mass index, menarche, and menopause in Taiwan. BMC Cancer. 2022 Mar 11;22(1):259.  (IF=4.638, rank=109/245 in ONCOLOGY 2021

10.     Yang PJ, Hou MF, Ou-Yang F, Hsieh TH, Lee YJ, Tsai EM, Wang TN*. Association between recurrent breast cancer and phthalate exposure modified by hormone receptors and body mass index. Sci Rep. 2022 Feb 21;12(1):2858. (IF=4.997, rank=19/74 in MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES 2021)

11.     Meng-Huan Wu, Wei-Er Wang, Tsu-Nai Wang*, Ni-Chi Lin, Mong-Liang Lu, Leanna M. W. Lui, Roger S. McIntyre, Vincent Chin-Hung Chen*. Asthma and early smoking associated with high risk of panic disorder in adolescents and young adults. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 2022 Mar;57(3):583-594 (IF=4.519, rank=68/155 in Psychiatry2021)

12.     Tsai JR, Chang WT, Sheu CC, Wu YJ, Chen MA, Hsu YH, Lee CY, Chang CI, Wang TN, Huang MC. Adequacy of prescribed caloric and protein intake and reduction of mortality in critically ill patients with body mass indices <30 kg/m2. Nutrition. 2022 Feb;94:111529.

13.     Kassian T. T. Amesho, Yuan-Chung Lin*, Zhou-Wei Gong, Feng-Chih Chou, Pei-Cheng Cheng, Tsu-Nai Wang, Pei-Shih Chen, Kang-Shin Chen,Ken-Lin Chang, Chien-Hung Lee. Assessment of PM2.5 Chemical Composition and Air Quality Monitoring: Implications of Air Pollutants Emissions from a Night Market in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. Aerosol and air quality research. 2021 Dec;21(12):210206.

14.  Mahendra Jadhao, Tsai EM, Yang HC, Chen YF, Liang SS, Wang TN, Teng YN, Huang HW, Wang LF, Chiu CC. The Long-Term DEHP Exposure Confers Multidrug Resistance of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells through ABC Transporters and Intracellular ROS. Antioxidants (Basel). 2021 Jun 11;10(6):949.

15.  Chen HC, Chen YC, Wang TN, Fang WF, Chang YC, Chen YM, Chen IY, Lin MC, Yang MY. Disrupted Expression of Circadian Clock Genes in Patients with Bronchial Asthma. J Asthma Allergy. 2021 Apr 16;14:371-380.

16.  Lin CK, Yang YH, Lu ML, Tsai YH, Hsieh MJ, Lee YC, Wang TN, Chen YL, Chen CH. Incidence of nontuberculous mycobacterial disease and coinfection with tuberculosis in a tuberculosis-endemic region: A population-based retrospective cohort study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 Dec 24; 99(52):e23775.

17.  Wang TN*, Yang PJ, Tseng YT, Tsai YS, Kuo PL, Chiu CC, Liang SS, Hsieh TH, Hou MH, Tsai EM*. Visceral obesity and cell cycle pathways serve as links in the association between bisphenol A exposure and breast cancer. Oncology Letters 20: 33-42, 2020.

18.  Yen YC, Yang CY, Wang TN, Yen PC, Ho CK, Mena KD, Lee TC, Chen KS, Lin YC, Chen PS. Household airborne endotoxin associated with asthma and allergy in elementary school-age children: a case-control study in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2020 Jun;27(16):19502-19509.

19.  Hsiao HP, Lin MC, Wu CC, Wang CC, Wang TN*. Sex-specific asthma phenotypes, inflammatory patterns and asthma control in a cluster analysis. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2019 Feb;7(2):556-567. (IF= 11.022, rank=3/28 in Allergy 2021).

20.  Peng CY, Tsai EM*, Kao TH, Lai TC, Liang SS, Chiu CC, Wang TN*. Canned food intake and urinary bisphenol a concentrations: a randomized crossover intervention study. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2019 Sep;26(27):27999-28009 (IF=5.190, rank=87/279, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 2019 )

21.  Hsieh MT, Liang SH, Yang YH, Kuo TY, Lin TY, Wang TN, Chen VC, Wu MH. Allergic rhinitis increases the risk of incident panic disorder among young individuals: A nationwide population-based cohort study in Taiwan. J Affect Disord. 2019 Jun 1;252:60-67.

22.  Chou CK, Huang HW, Yang CF, Dahms HU, Liang SS, Wang TN, Kuo PL, Hsi E, Tsai EM, Chiu CC. Reduced camptothecin sensitivity of estrogen receptor-positive human breast cancer cells following exposure to di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) is associated with DNA methylation changes. Environ Toxicol. 2019 Apr;34(4):401-414. doi: 10.1002/tox.22694. Epub 2019 Feb 5.PMID:30720231.

23.  Wang KY, Chen YW, Wang TN, Hsu WH, Wu IC, Yu FJ, Hu HM, Wu JY, Kuo CH, Lu CY, Wu DC, Su YC. Predictor of slower gastric emptying in gastroesophageal reflux disease: Survey of an Asian-Pacific cohort. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2018 Dec 14. doi: 10.1111/jgh.14572. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:30550642

24.  Yang PJ, Hou MF, Tsai EM, Liang SS, Chiu CC, Ou-Yang F, Kan JY, Peng CY, Wang TN*. Breast cancer is associated with methylation and expression of the a disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain 33 (ADAM33) gene affected by endocrine‑disrupting chemicals. Oncol Rep. 2018 Nov; 40(5):2766-2777. (IF=4.136, rank=128/245 in Oncology, 2021)

25.   Wang YC, Tsai CS, Yang YY, Huang KY, Hsieh WC, Kuo TY, Chen VC, Wong J, Ponton L, Wang TN*. Association Between Enterovirus Infection and Asthma in Children: A 16-year Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2018 Sep;37(9):844-849. (IF=3.806, 105/162, in IMMUNOLOGY 2021)

26.  Liao YT, Yang YH, Kuo TY, Liang HY, Huang KY, Wang TN, Lee Y, McIntyre RS, Chen VC. Dosage of methylphenidate and traumatic brain injury in ADHD: a population-based study in Taiwan. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2018 Mar;27(3):279-288.

27.  Chou CK, Yang YT, Yang HC, Liang SS, Wang TN, Kuo PL, Wang HD, Tsai EM, Chiu CC. The Impact of Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate on Cancer Progression. Arch Immunol Ther Exp (Warsz). 2018 Jun;66(3):183-197.

28.  Liang SH, Yang YH, Kuo TY, Liao YT, Lin TC, Lee Y, McIntyre RS, Kelsen BA, Wang TN, Chen VC. Suicide risk reduction in youths with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder prescribed methylphenidate: A Taiwan nationwide population-based cohort study. Res Dev Disabil. 2018 Jan; 72:96-105.

29.  Chen HM, Chen VC, Wang TN, Lu ML, Huang YC, Dewey ME, Lee JK, Tsai CP,  Diseases of the pancreas and suicide mortality: A nationwide nested case-control study among patients with mental health disorders in Taiwan. General Hospital Psychiatry 2018 Jan - Feb;50:45-50. 

30.  Chan HL, Chiu WC, Chen VC, Huang KY, Wang TN, Lee Y, McIntyre RS, Hsu TC, Lee CT, Tzang BS. SSRIs Associated with Decreased Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Population-based Case-control Study. Psychooncology. 2018 Jan;27(1):187-192.

31.  Jian-An Su, Dah-Cherng Yeh, Ching-Chi Chang, Tzu-Chin Lin,  Ching-Hsiang Lai, Pei-Yun Hu, Yi-Feng Ho, Vincent Chin-Hung Chen, Tsu-Nai Wang*, Michael Gossop. Depression and family support in breast cancer patients. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 2017 Sep 13;13:2389-2396. (*: corresponding author)

32.  Chang SF, Hung CH, Hsu YY, Liu Y,Wang TN. The Effectiveness of Health Education on Maternal Anxiety, Circumcision Knowledge, and Nursing Hours: A Quasi-Experimental Study. J Nurs Res. 2017 Aug;25(4):296-303.

33.  Hsiu-Chiung Lee, Wei-Che Chiu, Tsu-Nai Wang, Yin-To Liao, I-Chia Chien, Yena Lee, Roger S. McIntyre, Pau-Chung Chen, Vincent Chin-Hung Chen. Antidepressants and colorectal cancer: A population-based nested case-control study. J Affect Disord. 2017 Jan; 207:353-358.

34.  Stephen Chu-Sung Hu, Feng-Lin Yen, Tsu-Nai Wang, Yu-Chih Lin, Chi-Ling Lin, Gwo-Shing Chen*. Immunosuppressive medication use and risk of herpes zoster in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: A nationwide case-control study. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2016 Jul;75(1):49-58

35.  Hui-Wen Hsiao, Chao-Chien Wu, Meng-Chih Lin, Chin-Chou Wang, Vincent Chin-Hung Chen, Tsu-Nai Wang*.Comprehensive risk factors, asthma control and life quality pathways in adult asthmatics: A structural equation modeling analysis. AllergyAsthmaProc. 2016 May;37(3):31-40.

36.  Lin WT, Chan TF, Huang HL, Lee CY, Tsai S, Wu PW, Yang YC, Wang TN, Lee CH. Fructose-Rich Beverage Intake and Central Adiposity, Uric Acid, and Pediatric Insulin Resistance. J Pediatr. 2016 Apr; 171:90-6.e1.

37.  Yi-Shan Tsai, Yu-Ting Tseng, Pei-Shih Chen, Meng-Chih Lin, Chao-Chien Wu, Ming-Shyan Huang, Chin-Chou Wang, Kang-Shin Chen, Chung-Yuan Lin, Tsu-Nai Wang*. Protective effects of elafin against adult asthma. ALLERGY ASTHMA PROC 2016 Mar;37(2):15-24.

38.  Liang SS,Wang TN, Chiu CC, Kuo PL, Huang MF, Liu MC, Tsai EM. Reductive amination-assisted quantitation of tamoxifen and its metabolites by liquid phase chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A. 2016 Feb 19;1434:64-9.

39.  Hsieh TH, Hsu CY, Tsai CF, Chiu CC, Liang SS,Wang TN, Kuo PL, Long CY, Tsai EM. A novel cell-penetrating peptide suppresses breast tumorigenesis by inhibiting β-catenin /LEF-1 signaling. Sci Rep. 2016 Jan 11;6:19156.

40.  Chen VC, Kuo CJ,Wang TN*, Lee WC, Chen WJ, Ferri CP, Tsai D, Lai TJ, Huang MC, Stewart R, Ko YC*. Suicide and Other-Cause Mortality after Early Exposure to Smoking and Second Hand Smoking: A 12-Year Population-Based Follow-Up Study. PLoS One. 2015 Jul 29;10(7):e0130044. (*:contributed equally as the corresponding authors)

41.  Tsai MJ,Wang TN,Lin YS,Kuo PL,Hsu YL,Huang MS. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonists upregulate VEGF secretion from bronchial epithelial cells. J Mol Med (Berl). 2015 Nov;93(11):1257-69

42.  Chen VC, Wang TN, Liao YT, Lin TC, Stewart R, Lee CT. Asthma and self-harm: A population-based cohort study in Taiwan. J Psychosom Res. 2014 Dec;77(6):462-7.

43.  Hsu YL, Tsai EM, Hou MF,Wang TN, Hung JY, Kuo PL. Obtusifolin Suppresses Phthalate Esters-Induced Breast Cancer Bone Metastasis by Targeting Parathyroid Hormone-Related Protein. J Agric Food Chem. 2014 Dec 2.

44.  Mong-Liang Lu#, Tsu-Nai Wang#, Tsang-Yaw Lin, Wen-Chuan Shao, Sheng-Huang Chang, Jen-Yu Chou, Yi -Feng Ho, Vincent Chin-Hung Chen * Differential effects of olanzapine and clozapine on plasma adipocytokines levels. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry.2014 Dec 9;58C:47-50. (#:contributed equally as the first authors) (IF=4.025, Rank=29/136)

45.  Liang SS,Wang TN, Tsai EM. Analysis of Protein-Protein Interactions in MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 Cell Lines Using Phthalic Acid Chemical. Int J Mol Sci. 2014 Nov 13;15(11):20770-88.

46.  Chiang SL, Ou TT, Wu YJ, Tu HP, Lu CY, Huang CM, Kuo TM, Wang TN, Chou CH, Ko YC. Increased level of MSU crystal-bound protein apolipoprotein A-I in acute gouty arthritis. Scand J Rheumatol. 2014 Sep 2:1-5

47.  Yishan Tsai , Yingchin Ko, Mingshyan Huang , Mengchih Lin , Chaochien Wu , Chinchou Wang , Yunxuan Chen , Jianing Li, Tsunai Wang*.CHI3L1 polymorphisms associate with asthma in a Taiwanese population. BMC Medical Genetics 2014, Jul 15:86.

48.  Tsu-Nai Wang, Ming-Shyan Huang, Meng-Chih Lin, Tsai-Hui Duh, Chih-Hung Lee, , Chin-Chou Wang, Ping-Ho Chen, Shang-Lun Chiang, Tung-Heng Wang, Chau-Chyun Sheu, Vincent Chin-Hung Chen,  Chao-Chien Wu, Cleusa P. Ferri, Robert Stewart, Ying-Chin Ko. Betel chewing and arecoline affects eotaxin1, asthma and lung function. PLOS one 2014 Mar 21;9(3):e91889

49.  Chan TF, Lin WT, Chen YL, Huang HL, Yang WZ, Lee CY, Chen MH, Wang TN, Huang MC, Chiu YW, Huang CC, Tsai S, Lin CL, Lee CH. Elevated serum triglyceride and retinol-binding protein 4 levels associated with fructose-sweetened beverages in adolescents. PLoS One. 2014 Jan 27;9(1):e82004.

50.  Tsai MJ, Hsu YL, Wang TN, Wu LY, Lien CT, Hung CH, Kuo PL, Huang MS. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) agonists increase airway epithelial matrix metalloproteinase activity. J Mol Med (Berl). 2014 Jun;92(6):615-28. [Epub ahead of print]

51.  Huang MY, Yen LC, Liu HC, Liu PP, Chung FY, Wang TN, Wang JY, Lin SR. Significant overexpression of DVL1 in Taiwanese colorectal cancer patients with liver metastasis. Int J Mol Sci. 2013 Oct 14;14(10):20492-507.

52.  Wang TN, Chang WT, Chiu YW, Lee CY, Lin KD, Cheng YY, Su YJ, Chung HF, Huang MC. Relationships between changes in leptin and insulin resistance levels in obese individuals following weight loss. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 2013 Aug;29(8):436-43.

53.  Lin WT, Huang HL, Huang MC, Chan TF, Ciou SY, Lee CY, Chiu YW, Duh TH, Lin PL, Wang TN, Liu TY, Lee CH. Effects on uric acid, body mass index and blood pressure in adolescents of consuming beverages sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup. Int J Obes (Lond). 2013 Apr;37(4):532-9.

54.  Huang MY, Chen HC, Yang IP, Tsai HL, Wang TN, Juo SH, Wang JY. Tumorigenesis and tumor progression related gene expression profiles in colorectal cancer. Cancer Biomark. 2013 Jan 1;13(4):269-79.

55.  Pei-Jing Yang, Ruei-Nian Li, Chi-Chih Huang, Tung-Heng Wang, Ying-Chin Ko, Ming-Shyan Huang, Wang TN*. The methylation patterns of a disintegrin and metalloproteinase 33 gene (ADAM33) in adult asthma. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2013; April 161(1):74-80.

56.  Wang TN, Chao-Chien Wu, Ming-Shyan Huang, Chin-Chou Wang, Chi-Chih Huang, Tung-Heng Wang, Ting-Chia Lien Ying-Chin Ko, Meng-Chih Lin. The Polymorphisms of C-Reactive Protein Gene modify the association between central obesity and lung function in Taiwan. Scand J Immunol 2011 Nov;74(5):482-488

57.  Li-Ling Yang, Ming-Shyan Huang, Chi-Chih Huang, Tung-Heng Wang Meng-Chih Lin, Chao-Chien Wu, Chin-Chou Wang, Shao-Hua Lu, Tsu-Yu Yuan, Yen-Hsiung Liao, Ying-Chin Ko, Wang TN* .The association between adult asthma and Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase gene activity. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 2011 Aug 9;156(4):373-380.

58.  Chen VC, Wang TN, Lu ML, Chou JY, Ju PC, Wu JY, Lin ZR, Ji TT, Chou CE, Lee CT, Lai TJ. Weight Gain and Ghrelin Level after Olanzapine Monotherapy. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2011 Mar 30;35(2):632-5.

59.  Wang TN, Lin MC, Wu CC, Huang MS, Leung SY, Huang CC, Ho PS, Ko YC. Gender disparity of circulating high-sensitive CRP concentrations and obesity on asthma in Taiwan. Clinical and Experimental Allergy 2011 Jan;41(1):72-7.

60.  Wang TN#, Lin MC#, Wu CC, Leung SY, Huang MS, Chuang HY, Lee CH, Wu DC, Ho PS, Ko AM, Chang PY, Ko YC.. Risks of Exposure to Occupational Asthmogens in Atopic and Nonatopic Asthma: A Case-control Study in Taiwan American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2010 Dec 1;182(11):1369-76  (IF= 30.528, rank=3/65 in respiratory 2021) (#:contributed equally as the first authors)

61.  Kuo CJ, Chen VC*, Lee WC, Chen WJ, Ferri CP, Stewart R, Lai TJ, Chen CC, Wang TN*, Ko YC*. Asthma and suicide mortality among young people: A 12-year follow-up study. The American Journal of Psychiatry 2010 Sep;167(9):1092-9. (IF= 19.242, rank=5/155, psychiatry, 2021) (*:equal contribution for corresponding authors)

62.  Wang TN, Tseng HI, Kao CC, Chu YT, Chen WY, Wu PF, Lee CH, Ko YC. The effects of NOS1 gene on asthma and total IgE levels in Taiwanese children, and the interactions with environmental factors. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 2010, Nov;21(7):1064-71.

63.  Tu HP, Ko AM, Wang SJ, Lee CH, Lea RA, Chiang SL, Chiang HC, Wang TN, Huang MC, Ou TT, Lin GT, Ko YC. Monoamine oxidase A gene polymorphisms and enzyme activity associated with risk of gout in Taiwan aborigines. Hum Genet. 2010 Feb;127(2):223-9. Epub 2009 Nov 14.

64.  Lin HY, Li SS, Yu ML, Hsiao PJ, Hsieh MC, Lin KD, Wang CL, Wang TN, Shin SJ. Small ubiquitin-like modifier-4 Met55Val polymorphism is associated with glycemic control of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Taiwan. J Endocrinol Invest. 2010 Jun;33(6):401-5. Epub 2009 Nov 12.

65.  Huang MC, Wang TN, Lee KT, Wu YJ, Tu HP, Liu CS, Chiang HC, Ko YC. Adiponectin gene SNP276 variants and central obesity confer risks for hyperglycemia in indigenous Taiwanese. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 2010 May;26(5):227-36

66.  Yu-Te Chu, Wu-Yang Chen, Wang TN, Hsing-I Tseng, Jiunn-Ren Wu, Ying-Chin Ko. Extreme BMI predicts higher asthma prevalence and is associated with lung function impairment in school-aged children. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2009 May;44(5):472-9.

67.  Lee CH, Wu DC, Wu IC, Goan YG, Lee JM, Chou SH, Chan TF, Huang HL, Hung YH, Huang MC, Lai TC, Wang TN, Lan CC, Tsai S, Lin WY, Wu MT. Genetic Modulation of ADH1B and ALDH2 Polymorphisms with Regard to Alcohol and Tobacco Consumption for Younger Aged Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Diagnosis. Int J Cancer. 2009 Feb 17;125(5):1134-1142

68.  Long CY, Hsu CS, Wu MP, Liu CM, Wang TN, Tsai EM. Comparison of tension-free vaginal tape and transobturator tape procedure for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol. 2009 Aug; 21(4): 342-7.

69.  Lin WC, Cheng TT, Lee YC, Wang TN, Cheng YF, Lui CC, Yu CY. New vertebral osteoporotic compression fractures after percutaneous vertebroplasty: retrospective analysis of risk factors. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2008 Feb;19(2):225-31.

70.  Chiang TA, Chen PH, Wu PF, Wang TN, Chang PY, Ko AM, Huang MS, Ko YC. Important prognostic factors for the long-term survival of lung cancer subjects in Taiwan. BMC Cancer. 2008 Nov 7;8:324-332.

71.  Huang MC, Wang TN, Wang HS, Sung YC, Ko YC, Chiang HC. The -1131T>C polymorphism in the apolipoprotein A5 gene is related to hypertriglyceridemia in Taiwanese aborigines. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 2008 Apr;24(4):171-9.

72.  Feng WW, Wang TN, Chen HC, Ho JC, KoYC. Malignancies after Renal Transplantation in Southern Taiwan—Experience in one centre. BJU international 2007 Apr;99(4):825-9

73.  Chen CH, Tan HK, Liao LR, Chen HH, Chan CC, Cheng JJ, Chen CY, Wang TN, Lu ML. Long-term psychological outcome of 1999 Taiwan earthquake survivors: a survey of a high-risk sample with property damage. Compr Psychiatry. 2007 May-Jun;48(3):269-75.

74.  Wang TN, MC Huang, HL Lin, CH Hsiang, Allen MJ Ko, WT Chang, YC Ko. UCP2 A55V variant is associated with obesity and related phenotypes in an aboriginal community in Taiwan. Int J Obesity 2007; 31, 1746–1752. [NSC 92-2320-B-037-037]

75.  Wang TN, Chiang W, Tseng HI, Chu YT, Chen WY, Shih NH, Ko YC*. The polymorphisms of Eotaxin 1 and CCR3 genes influenced on serum IgE, Eotaxin levels and mild asthmatic children in Taiwan. Allergy 2007; 62(10): 1125- 30. [NSC 93-2320-B-037-020, NSC 94-2314-B-037-069]

76.  Wang TN, Huang MC, Chang WT,  Ko Albert MS, Tsai EM, Liu CS  Lee CH, Ko YC. The G-2548A polymorphism of the leptin gene is correlated with extreme obesity in Taiwanese aborigines. Obesity 2006 Feb;14(2):183-7.. [NSC 92-2320-B-037-037] (SCI)

77.  Juo SH, Wang TN, Lee JN, Wu MT, Long CU, Tsai EM. CYP17, CYP1A1 and COMT polymorphisms and the risk of adenomyosis and endometriosis in Taiwanese women. (in press) Hum Reprod 2006 Jun;21(6):1498-502.

78.  Huang MC, Wang TN, Liu YL, Pa TH, Tu HP, Huang YC, Chang WT, Ko YC.  Effect of SstI polymorphism of the apolipoprotein CIII gene and environmental factors on risks of hypertriglyceridemia in Taiwan aborigines. Circ J. 2006 Aug;70(8):1030-6.

79.  Wang TN, Chu YT, Chen WY, Feng WW, Shih NH, Hsiang CH, Ko YC. Association of interferon-gamma and interferon regulatory factor 1 polymorphisms with asthma in a family-based association study in Taiwan. Clin Exp Allergy. 2006 Sep;36(9):1147-52

80.  Wang TN, Chen WY, Huang YF, Shih NH, Feng WW, Tseng HI, Lee CH, Ko YC. The synergistic effects of the IL-9 gene and environmental exposures on asthmatic Taiwanese families as determined by the transmission/disequilibrium test. International Journal of Immunogenetics 2006. Apr;33(2):105-10. [NSC 91-2320-B-037-048, NSC90-2320-B-037-043] (SCI)

81.  YC Ko, MC Huang, TN Wang, SJ Chang, LY Tsai, HP Tu. Prevalences and Risk Factors Associated with Dyslipidemia in Children and Adolescent among Ethnic Groups in Taiwan. Public Health 119(6):489-97, 2005. (SCI)

82.  Lee CH, Lee JM, Wu DC, Hsu HK, Kao EL, Huang HL, Wang TN, Huang MC, Wu MT. Independent and combined effects of alcohol intake, tobacco smoking and betel quid chewing on the risk of esophageal cancer in Taiwan. Int J Cancer. 113(3):475-82, 2005. (SCI)

83.  Wu PF, Chiang TA, Wang TN, Huang MS, Ho PS, Lee CH, Ko Albert MS, Ko YC. Birth cohort effect on lung cancer incidence in Taiwanese women 1981–1998. European Journal of Cancer 41: 1170–1177, 2005. (SCI)

84.  Wang TN, Chen WY, Wang TH, Chen CJ, Huang LY, Ko YC. Gene-gene synergistic effect on atopic asthma: tumour necrosis factor-alpha-308 and lymphotoxin-alpha-NcoI in Taiwan's children. Clinical & Experimental Allergy. 34(2):184-8, 2004  (SCI)

85.  Guo YJ, Chen CH , Lu ML, Tan HKL, Lee HW, Wang TN. Posttraumatic stress disorder among professional and nonprofessional rescuers involved in an earthquake in Taiwan. Psychiatry Research 2004; 127(1-2): 35-41. (SCI)

86.  Wang WH, Chang SJ, Wang TN, Cheng LS, Feng YP, Chen CJ, Huang CH, Ko YC. Complex segregation and linkage analysis of familial gout in Taiwanese aborigines. Arthritis & Rheumatism. 2004; 50(1):242-6. (SCI)

87.  Wang KY, Li SN, Liu CS, Perng DS, Su YC, Wu DC, Jan CM, Lai CH, Wang TN, Wang WM. Effects of injection of lactobacillus- and bifidobacterium- containing yogurt in Helicbacter Pylori colonized subjects. AJCN 2004; 80(3):737-41. (SCI)

88.  Cheng LSC, Chiang SL, Tu HP, Chang SJ, Wang TN, Ko LMJ, Chakraborty R, and Ko YC. Genomewide Scan for Gout in Taiwanese Aborigines Reveals Linkage to Chromosome 4q25. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 2004; 75:498–503. (SCI)

89.  Cheng LS, Wang TN, Ko YC. Reply to correspondence from Axenovich and Borodin--"Some pitfalls of segregation analysis of complex traits. Am J Med Genet. 2003, 15;117A(1):101-2. (SCI)

90.  Ko YC, Wang TN, Tsai LY, Chang FT, Chang SJ. (2002) High Prevalence of Hyperuricemia in Adolescent Taiwan Aborigines. J Rheumatol 29:(4) .837-842 (SCI)

91.  Wang TN, Chao YY, Wang TH, Chen CJ, Ko YC*. (2001).Familial Risk of Asthma among Adolescent and Their Relatives. J Asthma. 2001, 38(6), 485-494. (SCI)

92.  Bosken CH, Ko YC, Shete S, Wang TN, Chen J, Amos CI, Cheng LSC*. (2001) Adaptations of Linkage and Association Methods for the Study of Asthma, a Complex Trait. Genetic Epidemiolog  2001; 21: s89-s96. (SCI)

93.  Ho PS, Wang TN, Hsieh TK. Ko YC. (2000). Differences in physician utilization between aboriginal and non-aboriginal children. Family Practice 17:414-421.. (SCI)

94.  Wang TN, Ko YC, Wang TH, Cheng LSC, Lin YC. (2000). Segregation analysis of asthma: a recessive major gene component for asthma in relation to history of atopic diseases. Am J Med Genet, 93: 373-380. (SCI)

95.  Shih-Meng Tsai, Tsu-Nai Wang, Ying-Chin Ko. (1999).Cancer Mortality Trends in a Blackfoot disease Endemic Community of Taiwan Following Water Source Replacement. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 55, 389-404. (SCI)

96.  Tsai SM, Wang TN, Ko YC. (1999). Mortality for certain diseases in areas with high levels of arsenic in drinking water. Archives of Environmental Health 54:186-193. (SCI)

97.  Wang TN, Ko YC, Chao YY, Huang CC, Lin RS. (1999). Association between indoor and outdoor air pollution and adolescent asthma from 1995 to 1996 in Taiwan. Environmental Research 81:239-247. (SCI)

98.  Yang CY. Chiu HF. Chiu JF. Wang TN. Cheng MF. Magnesium and calcium in drinking water and cerevascular mortality in Taiwan. Magnesium Research. 10(1):51-7, 1997(SCI)

99.  Chang SJ, Ko YC, Wang TN, Chang FT, Cinkotai FF, Chen CJ. (1997). High prevalence of   gout and related risk factors in Taiwan’s aborigines. Journal of Rheumatology :24, 1364-9. (SCI)

100.  Yang CY, Chiu JF, Chiu HF, Wang TN, Lee CH, Ko YC. (1996).Relationship between water hardness and coronary mortality in Taiwan. J Toxicol Environ Health 49(1), 1-9. (SCI)

101.  Chang FT, Chang SJ, Wu YY, Wang TN, Ko YC. (1995).Body mass index and hyperuricemia differences between aboriginal and non-aboriginal children in Taiwan. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 11:315-321

International Conferences

1.     Chin-Hung Chen, Cleusa Ferri, Chung-Ying Chen, Tsu-Nai Wang, Shu-Li Chang, Happy Kuy-Lok Tan. Earthquake Impact and suicide phenomenon in Adolescent :A descriptive study in  Nantou, Taiwan. The International Mental Health Second Annual Conference Aug 31-Sep 2 ,2005,London, UK.

2.     Tsu-Nai Wang,* Ching-Chu Kao, Wu-Yuan Chen. The effects of nos1 gene and environmental factors on asthma and rhinitis in Taiwan. XXVII ECAAI June 7-11, 2008, Bercelona, Spain.

3.     Li-Ling Yang ,Wu-Yuan Chen, Hsing-I Tseng, Yu-Te Chu, Tsu-Nai Wang*. The associations of breastfeeding, body mass index and allergic disorders in Taiwan children. XXVII EAACI June 7-11, 2008, Bercelona, Spain.

4.     Lu, Shao-Hua, Lin, Meng-Chih,Wang, Tsu-Nai Wang*. The Superoxide Dismutase activities and polymorphisms among Asthmatic Adults in Taiwan. XXVII EAACI June 7-11, 2008, Bercelona, Spain.

5.     Yu-Chun Tu, Meng-Chuan Huang, Tsu-Nai Wang*. A Meta-Analysis of Weight Loss on Cytokines and the Effects of Gene and Weight Loss on Cytokines. 41st APACPH Conference. December 3-6, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan.

6.     Ting-Chia Lien, Meng-Chih Lin, Chao-Chien Wu, Tsu-Nai Wang*. The Association of Obesity, Hs-CRP and Gene with Adult Asthma and Prognosis in A Hospital-Based Case-Control Study. 41st APACPH Conference. December 3-6, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan.

7.     LL Yang, SH Lu, MC Lin, Tsu-Nai Wang*. The association between the asthmatic adults with central obesity and SOD and Catalase. ERS Vienna 2009 Congress, September 12-16, 2009, Austria.

8.     Tsu-Nai Wang*, Li-Ling Yang, Meng-Chih Lin, Chao-ChienWu, Ying-Chin Ko. Occupational asthmogens and the risks on asthma, total IgE levels and lung function in Taiwan. ERS Vienna 2009 Congress, September 12-16, 2009, Austria.

9.     T. H. Huang, T. Y. Yuan, R. L. Hsiao, T. N. Wang*. The polymorphisms of C-reactive protein gene modify the association between central obesity, asthma and lung function in Taiwan.
ERS Congress,
September 24-28, 2011, Amsterdam, Netherland

10.  R. L. Hsiao, L. L. Yang, T. H. Huang, T. Y. Yuan, T. N. Wang*. The associations between the adult asthma, central obesity and gene polymorphisms and activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase. ERS Congress, September 24-28, 2011, Amsterdam, Netherland

11.  T. N. Wang*, T. Y. Yuan, L. Y. Wang, T. H. Huang, R. L. Hsiao.The association between asthma, atopic diseases and metabolic factors in a young population of southern Taiwan. ERS Congress, September 24-28, 2011, Amsterdam, Netherland

12.  Tsu-Nai Wang, Ming-Shyan Huang, Meng-Chih Lin, Chih-Hung Lee, Tsai-Hui Duh. Impact of betel chewing on asthma and lung function in Taiwan. ERS Vienna 2012 Congress, September 1-5, 2012, Austria.

13.  Tsu-Nai Wang, Tsu-Yu Yuan, Li-Yu Wang . The association between metabolic factors and asthma in adolescents of southern Taiwan. ERS Vienna 2012 Congress, September 1-5, 2012, Austria.

14.  Wang TN, Huang TH. The association between anti-oxidative vitamins and children with allergy or asthma in low and high air pollution communities. EAACI-WAO Congress June 22-26, 2013, Milan, Italy

15.  Wang TN, Hsiao RL, Lin MC, Huang MS, Wu CC, Wang CC. The association between GSTP1 gene and adult asthma was modified by smoking habit. EAACI-WAO Congress June 22-26, 2013, Milan, Italy

16.  Tsai YS, Chen YX, Lin MC, Huang MS, Wang TN. The association between YKL-40 levels, obesity and adult asthma. EAACI-WAO Congress June 22-26, 2013, Milan, Italy.

17.  Tseng YT, Tsai YS, Li JN, Huang MS, Lin MC, Wu CC, Wang TN. The associations between CHI3L1 polymorphisms and adult asthma in Taiwan. EAACI-WAO Congress June 7-11, 2014,  Demark, Copenhagen

18.  Hsiao HW, Lin MC, Wu CC, Wang CC, Wang TN. The associations between risk factors, asthma control, and quality of life in adult asthma. EAACI-WAO Congress June 7-11, 2014,  Demark, Copenhagen

19.  Wang TN, Lin CH, Tseng YU, Huang MS, Li JN, Wu CC, Lin MC. The association between protein kinase c a (PKC α) gene and adult asthma in Taiwan. EAACI-WAO Congress June 7-11, 2014,  Demark, Copenhagen

20.  Tseng YT, Tsai YS, Lin MC, Wu CC, Huang MS, Wang TN. Protective effects of elafin protein against adult asthma. EAACI-WAO Congress June 6-10, 2015, Spain, Barcelona

21.  Hsiao HW, Lin MC, Wu CC, Wang CC, Wang TN. The associations between risk factors, asthma control, and quality of life in adult asthma. EAACI-WAO Congress June 6-10, 2015, Spain, Barcelona

22.  Yu-Ting Tseng, Ying-Ching Wang, Yao-Hsu Yang, Kuo-You Huang, Wen-Chi Hsieh, Ting-Yu Kuo, Vincent Chin-Hung Chen, Jennifer Wong, Lynn Ponton, Tsu-Nai Wang. An association between enterovirus infection and asthma in Taiwan: a nationwide population-based cohort study. The Society for Epidemiologic Research (SER) congress June 21-24, 2016, America, Miami

23.  Chen YR, Yuan TY, Wang LY, Wang TN. The association between central obesity, metabolic factors and asthma in adolescents of southern Taiwan. SER congress June 21-24, 2016, America, Miami

24.  Bo-Kai Chen, Ming-Feng Hou, Eing-Mei Tsai, Tsu-Nai Wang. Association between urinary Bisphenol A concentration, gene expression of estrogen receptor and Breast Cancer. SER congress June 21-24, 2016, America, Miami

25.  Hsiao HP, Huang TH, Yeh CJ, Chen PS, Lee TC, Lee CH , Wang TN. The association between anti-oxidative vitamins and children with allergic diseases in low and high air pollution communities. SER congress June 21-24, 2016, America, Miami

26.  Chia-Wei Yeh, Meng-Chih Lin, Chao-Chien Wu, Tsu-Nai Wang. Genome-wide association study identifies CLNK and GALNT13 as a novel candidate gene for adult male asthmatics in Taiwan. SER congress June 20-23, 2017, America, Seattle

27.  Liang JH, Chen YR, Lin MC, Wu CC, Wang TN. The association between body composition and asthma control, quality of life and severity in adult asthma by using the structural equation modeling. SER congress June 20-23, 2017, America, Seattle

28.  Wei-Er Wang, Bo-Kai Chen, Ming-Feng Hou, Eing-Mei Tsai, Tsu-Nai Wang. The association between urinary Bisphenol A concentration and gene expression of estrogen receptor in early and non-early onset breast cancer. SER congress June 20-23, 2017, America, Seattle

29.  Yi-Shian Liu, Cian-Huei Chen, Wan-Ru Zheng, Yu-Ru Su, Yung-Hsin Chuang, Yu-Chieh Huang , Yu-Kang Lin, Yu-Hsiang Huang, Tsu-Nai Wang. The interaction effects of common genetic variants and environmental factors on hypercholesterolemia: A genome-wide association study. SER congress June 19-22, 2018, America, Baltimore.

30.  Liang JH, Chen YR, Lin MC, Wu CC, Wang TN. The effects of body composition on asthma control and quality of life in adult asthma:  A Structural Equation Modeling Study. The Society for Epidemiologic Research (SER) congress June 19-22, 2018, America, Baltimore.

31.  Tsu-Nai Wang*, Yu-Cih Yang, Chung-Yuan Lin, Kang-Shin Chen, Pei-Shih Chen, Chiung-Yu Peng, Meng-Chih Lin, Chao-Chien Wu. Air pollution, lung function and inflammatory markers in adult asthma based on Land Use Regression, inverse distance weighting and Kriging method.  European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) congress, 1-5 June 2019, Lisbon, Portugal

32.  Pei-Jing Yang, Wei-Er Wang, Vincent Chin-Hung Chen, Tsu-Nai Wang*. The interaction effect between early cigarette smoke and early-onset asthma on the risk of mental illness. European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) congress, 1-5 June 2019, Lisbon, Portugal

33.  Yi Shian Liu, Mien Chih Lin, Chao Chien Wu, Tsu-Nai Wang*. Association of asthma and blood lipids levels: A two-sample Mendelian Randomization Analysis. European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) congress, 1-5 June 2019, Lisbon, Portugal

34.  Chih-Yi Lin, Vincent Chin-Hung Chen, Tsu-Nai Wang*. The risk of periodontal disease in asthma patients and the effect of periodontal treatment intervention: A 15-years population-based cohort study. European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) congress, 1-5 June 2019, Lisbon, Portugal

35.  Yu-Hsien Cheng, Yong-Jhih Ciou, Meng-Chih Lin, Chao-Chien Wu, Tsu-Nai Wang*. A genome-wide association study identify the association between SNP rs2304053rs215274 and adult asthmatics with obesity. European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) congress, 1-5 June 2019, Lisbon, Portugal

36.  Tsu-Nai Wang*, Yu-Chun Lin, Ying-Hsien Liu, Meng-Chih Lin, Chao-Chien Wu. Classification of asthma phenotypes and outcomes among elderly patients in Taiwan by cluster analysis. European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) congress, 9-11 June 2023, Hamburg, Germany

37.  Ting-Yu Tsai, Meng- Chih Lin, Chao- Chien Wu , Tsu- Nai Wang*. Long-term Exposure to PM2.5, PM10 and Lung Function in Adult Asthma Based on Land-use Regression. European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) congress, 9-11 June 2023, Hamburg, Germany

38.  Pei-Chun, Hsieh, Tsu-Nai,Wang*. The impact of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and air pollution (NO2, NO, NOX) on inflammation indicators and human respiratory health using geographic information system and land use regression model. European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) congress, 9-11 June 2023, Hamburg, Germany

39.  Tsen-Hsin Tai, Tsu-Nai Wang*. The interaction effect between genetic risk score and obesity on asthma and lung function. European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) congress, 9-11 June 2023, Hamburg, Germany

40.  Tsen-Hsin Tai, Ying-Hsien Liu, Tsu-Nai Wang*. Exploring the Interaction between Genetic Risk Score and Exercises on Asthma by a Genome-wide Association Study. European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) congress, 9-11 June 2023, Hamburg, Germany

41.  Tsu-Nai Wang*, Tzu-Ching Liao, Tsen-Hsin Tai, Jou-Chun Chen, Meng-Chih Lin, Chao-Chien Wu, Pei-Shih Chen, Yuan-Chung Lin. Apply cluster analysis and machine learning to identify phenotypes of work-related asthma. European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) congress, 31 May - 3 June 2024, Valencia, Spain

42.  Tsen-Hsin Tai, Tsu-Nai Wang*. Obesity Modified the Genetic Effect on Risk of Asthma: A Genome-wide Association Study of Adult Asthma. European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) congress, 31 May - 3 June 2024, Valencia, Spain

43.  Jou-Chun Chen, Pei-Shih Chen, Yuan-Chung Lin, Tsu-Nai Wang*. The gender-specific associations between greenness, air pollution and lung function in asthmatic patients. European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) congress, 31 May - 3 June 2024, Valencia, Spain

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