中文姓名 |
林煇翔 |
英文姓名 |
職稱 |
助理教授 |
辦公室地點 |
CS708 |
Office hours |
Wednesday 10:00-12:00 |
電話 |
(07)-3121101 ex 2208 |
傳真 |
(07) 3110811 |
hanklin@kmu.edu.tw |
學歷 |
畢業學校 |
主修學門系所 |
學位 |
起訖年月 |
國立臺灣大學 |
環境工程學研究所 |
博士 |
2008/09-2015/01 |
國立成功大學 |
環境工程學系 |
碩士 |
2006/09-2008/06 |
國立中興大學 |
環境工程學系 |
學士 |
2002/09-2006/06 |
現職 |
服務機關 |
服務部門 |
職稱 |
起訖年月 |
高雄醫學大學 |
公共衛生學系 |
助理教授 |
2025/02-迄今 |
經歷 |
服務機關 |
服務部門 |
職稱 |
起訖年月 |
國立臺灣大學 |
環境工程學研究所 |
博士後研究員 |
2019/07-2025/01 |
環興科技股份有限公司(中興工程顧問集團) |
水務部 |
工程師 |
2016/03-2018/07 |
美國加州理工學院 |
環境科學與工程系 |
訪問學者 |
2012/09-2013/08 |
榮譽和獎項 |
獲獎及榮譽 § 期刊審稿學者: Science of the Total Environment、Chemosphere、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters § 千里馬計畫,中華民國國家科學及技術委員會,2011.11 § 最佳學生報告獎,第三屆國際水協會國際研討會(3rd IWA-ASPIRE), 2009.10 證照 § ISO/TS 14067 (PAS 2050) 服務與產品碳足跡查證-主任查證員,BSI (英國標準協會),2016 § 甲級廢棄物處理專業技術人員,行政院環境保護署(現環境部),2008 § 甲級廢水處理專責人員,行政院環境保護署(現環境部),2007 |
學術專長 |
§ 環境新興污染物 § 光化學反應 § 環境自淨作用 § 環境微量污染物分析 § 水及廢水處理 |
研究興趣 |
§ 環境新興污染物 § 環境污染物流布及宿命 § 高級(廢)水處理與回收再生技術 § 污水流行病學 |
任教科目 |
環境科學與技術、水資源與水質管理特論、環境永續管理、廢棄物管理 |
研究計畫 |
計畫名稱 |
補助單位 |
擔任工作 |
起訖年月 |
研究著作 |
期刊論文 |
1) Hank Hui-Hsiang Lin, Ming-Chi Hsieh, Jennifer Ia Wen Wen Liu, Yu-Hsiang Wang, Shu-Jie Huang, En Lien, Li-Wei Huang, Pei-Te Chiueh, Hsin-Hsin Tung, Angela Yu-Chen Lin*, “Investigating illicit drug hotspots and daily variations using sewer-network wastewater analysis” Chemosphere, 2024, 143690 (SCI, IF=8.8, Rank=27/334) (The first author) 2) Hank Hui-Hsiang Lin, Yu-Hsiang Wang, Jennifer Ia Wen Wen Liu, Ming-Chi Hsieh, Shu-Jie Huang, En Lien, Li-Wei Huang, Angela Yu-Chen Lin*, “Evaluation of spatial and temporal changes in illicit drug use in the Taipei metropolitan area via wastewater-based epidemiology” Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 173313 (SCI, IF=9.8, Rank=26/334) (The first author) 3) Ming-Chi Hsieh, Wan-Ning Lee, Yi-Hsuan Chu, Hank Hui-Hsiang Lin, Angela Yu-Chen Lin*, “Sunlight enhanced the formation of tribromomethane from benzotriazole degradation during the sunlight/free chlorine treatment in the presence of bromide” Chemosphere, 2024, 142039 (SCI, IF=8.8, Rank=27/334) 4) Wei-Ming Kung, Hank Hui-Hsiang Lin, Yu-Hsiang Wang, Angela Yu-Chen Lin*, “Solar-driven persulfate degradation of caffeine and cephradine in synthetic human urine” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 133031 (SCI, IF=13.6, Rank=10/275) 5) Hank Hui-Hsiang Lin, Angela Yu-Chen Lin*, “Peracetic Acid as an Alternative Disinfectant for Micropollutants Degradation and Disinfection Byproducts Control in Outdoor Swimming Pools” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 132988 (SCI, IF=13.6, Rank=10/275) (The first author) 6) Shih-Chieh Lai, Hank Hui-Hsiang Lin, Jheng-Sian Yang, Ming-Chi Hsieh, Angela Yu-Chen Lin*, “Solar photodegradation of the UV filter benzotriazole in the presence of persulfate” Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2023, 109189 (SCI, IF=7.7, Rank=16/142) 7) Zhen-Shuen Choo, Ming-Chi Hsieh, Hank Hui-Hsiang Lin, Jheng-Sian Yang, Angela Yu-Chen Lin*, “Reactive Chlorine Species in the Enhanced Degradation of UV Stabilizers During the Sunlight/Free Chlorine Process” Chemosphere, 2022, 136677 (SCI, IF=8.8, Rank=27/334) 8) Zih-Yu Chen, Webber Wei-Po Lai*, Hank Hui-Hsiang Lin, Jia Xuan Tan, Kevin C.-W. Wu, Angela Yu-Chen Lin*, “Photocatalytic degradation of ketamine using a reusable TiO2/SiO2@Fe3O4 magnetic photocatalyst under simulated solar light” Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022, 108637 (SCI, IF=7.7, Rank=16/142) 9) Chih-Fu Cheng, Hank Hui-Hsiang Lin, Hsin-Hsin Tung, Angela Yu-Chen Lin*, “Enhanced solar photodegradation of a plasmid-encoded extracellular antibiotic resistance gene in the presence of free chlorine” Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022, 106984 (SCI, IF=7.7, Rank=16/142) 10) Hui-Ju Wang, Hank Hui-Hsiang Lin, Ming-Chi Hsieh, Angela Yu-Chen Lin*, “Photoaged polystyrene microplastics serve as photosensitizers that enhance cimetidine photolysis in an aqueous environment” Chemosphere, 2022, 133352 (SCI, IF=8.8, Rank=27/334) 11) Hank Hui-Hsiang Lin, Angela Yu-Chen Lin*, “Solar photo-Fenton oxidation of cytostatic drugs via Fe(III)-EDDS at circumneutral pH in an aqueous environment.” Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2021, 102066 (SCI, IF= 7.0, Rank=6/103) (The first author) 12) Hsin-Yu Hsiao, Hank Hui-Hsiang Lin, Ming-Chi Hsieh, Pei-Hsun Wu, Chang-Ping Yu, Angela Yu-Chen Lin*, “Intracellular organic matter from Chlorella vulgaris enhances the photodegradation of acetaminophen.” Chemophere, 2021, 129507 (SCI, IF=8.8, Rank=27/334) 13) Webber Wei-Po Lai, Hank Hui-Hsiang Lin and Angela Yu-Chen Lin*, “TiO2 Photocatalytic degradation of oxazaphosphorine drugs in an aqueous environment.” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, Volume 287, Pages 133-141 (SCI, IF=13.6, Rank=10/275) 14) Hank Hui-Hsiang Lin, Angela Yu-Chen Lin* and Chia-Lin Hung, “Photocatalytic oxidation of cytostatic drugs by microwave-treated N-doped TiO2 under visible light.” Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2015, Volume 90, Issue 7, Pages 133-141 (SCI, IF=3.4, Rank= 67/142) (The first author) 15) Hank Hui-Hsiang Lin, Angela Yu-Chen Lin*, “Photocatalytic oxidation of 5-fluorouracil and cyclophosphamide in an aqueous environment.” Water Research, 2014, Volume 48, Pages 559-568 (SCI, IF=12.8, Rank=1/103) (The first author) 16) Angela Yu-Chen Lin*, Cheng-Fan Lin, Yu-Ting Tsai, Hank Hui-Hsiang Lin, Jie Chen, Xiao-Huan Wang and Tsung-Hsien Yu, “Fate of selected pharmaceuticals and personal care products after secondary wastewater treatment processes in Taiwan.” Water Science & Technology, 2010 (SCI, IF=2.7, Rank=57/103) |
研討會論文 |
1) Hank Hui-Hsiang Lin, Hui-Ju Wang, Ming-Chi Hsieh, Angela Yu-Chen Lin*, “Photochemistry of microplastics and its associate effect on the coexisting pharmaceuticals in an aqueous environment.” ACS Fall 2023, San Fransico, USA. 本人為第一作者。(Oral presentation) 2) Ming-Chi Hsieh, Yi-Hsuan Su, Ming-Hao His, Hank Hui-Hsiang Lin, and Angela Yu-Chen Lin*. “Enhanced pharmaceuticals degradation by the coexistence of sunlight photolysis and MnO2 oxidation” ACS Fall 2023, San Fransico, USA. 3) 楊伊萍,周武雄,曾佩如,朱珮芸,陳怡妃,林煇翔,”我國公路運輸業能源消耗調查與管理指標建立”,中華民國環境工程學會,2018。 4) Zheng-Zhong Yeh, Ming-Wei Chen, Wu-Hsiung Chou, Yi-Chun Lu, Hank Hui-Hsiang Lin, “A case study on multi-level governance between central and local governments- an example of New Taipei City.” Conference proceedings of adaptation future 2018. 5) Hank Hui-Hsiang Lin, Lin Angela YC* and Michael R. Hoffmann, “Electrochemical oxidation of methyl orange and hydrogen production using BiOx-TiO2 as the anode.” Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering, Malaysia 2014本人為第一作者. (Oral presentation) 6) Hank Hui-Hsiang Lin, Angela Yu-Chen Lin*, Cheng-Fan Lin and Xiao-Huan Wang “Development of monitoring and management scheme for water reuse system.” Taiwan Water Industry Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 2013本人為第一作者. (Oral presentation) 7) 林煇翔、林郁真、林正芳、王筱歡 (2013年)。再生水水質監測技術與制度建立之研究。水利產業研討會。本人為第一作者。(Oral presentation) 8) Hank Hui-Hsiang Lin, Lin Angela YC*, “Photocatalytic oxidation of cytostatic drugs in the aqueous environment.” 2012 Young Water Talent Symposium, Singapore, 2012本人為第一作者. (Oral presentation) 9) Hank Hui-Hsiang Lin and Lin Angela YC*, "Photocatalytic oxidation of cytostatic drugs via UV/TiO2 in the aqueous environment." 4th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan, 2011本人為第一作者. (Oral presentation) 10) Hank Hui-Hsiang Lin and Lin Angela YC*, "Photocatalytic oxidation of cytostatic drugs via UV/TiO2 in the aqueous environment." Young Water Talents Symposium, Singapore, 2011本人為第一作者. (Oral presentation) 11) Lin Angela YC*, Lin CF, Chen J, Tsai YT, Wang XH, Yu TH, Hank Hui-Hsiang Lin, "Occurrence and Fate of Pharmaceuticals during Secondary Wastewater Treatment Processes." 3rd International Water Association-Asia Pacific Region (IWA-ASPIRE) Conference and Exhibition - Working toward Water Sustainability, Taipei, Taiwan, 2009. (Oral presentation) |