中文姓名 |
陳培詩 |
英文姓名 |
Pei-Shih Chen |
職稱 |
教授 |
辦公室地點 |
濟世大樓CS707 |
Office hours |
Monday,12:00~13:00 |
電話 |
(07)3121101ext 2207 |
傳真 |
(07) 3110811 |
pschen@gap.kmu.edu.tw |
個人網頁 |
https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/LTC-6429-2024 |
學歷 |
畢業學校 |
主修學門系所 |
學位 |
起訖年月 |
國立台灣大學 |
環境衛生研究所 |
博士 |
1999/09~2005/01 |
國立台灣大學 |
環境衛生研究所 |
碩士(直升博士) |
1998/09~1999/07 |
台北醫學大學 |
公共衛生學系 |
學士 |
1994/09~1998/06 |
現職 |
1. 高雄醫學大學公共衛生學系教授 (2015/09~迄今) 2. 高雄醫學大學臨床醫學研究部研究員 (2019/01~迄今) 3. 高雄醫學大學環境醫學中心副執行長 (2018/12/01~迄今) 4. 高雄醫學大學秘書處校務研究暨企劃辦公室主任(2024/08/01~迄今) 5. 高雄醫學大學醫療與政策中心副主任(2024/9/26~迄今) 6. 高雄醫學大學校務永續發展處永續長 (2024/12/9~迄今) 7. 高雄醫學大學校務永續發展處校務研究中心主任 (2025/1/23~迄今) 8. 高雄醫學大學醫療科技與政策研究中心主任(2025/1/13~迄今) 9. 國立中山大學環境工程研究所合聘教授 (2018/08~迄今) 10. 衛生福利部公共衛生師考試資格認定審查小組委員 (2021/07/12~2026/07) 11. 衛生福利部實驗室生物安全規範編撰小組委員 (2019/03~迄今) 12. 勞動部勞工職業災害保險第一組職業病鑑定會委員 (2024/06~2026/06) 13. 勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所職場危害因子容許暴露標準建議值審議小組委員 (2025/01~2026/12) 14. 行政院環境保護署空氣污染防治技術諮詢小組委員 (2023/04~2025/03) 15. 台灣公共衛生學會理事 (2019/02~迄今) 16. 台灣職業衛生學會第十二屆常務理事 (2023/06~迄今) 17. 台灣氣膠研究學會第17屆理事 (2024/9/20~2026/9/19) 18. 台灣氣膠研究學會第17屆組織章程委員會主任委員 (2024/9/20~2026/9/19) 19. 台灣氣膠學會理事組織委員會主委 (2024/10~迄今) 20. 社團法人台灣建築醫學學會理事 (2022~2024) 21. 社團法人台灣室內環境品質學會第7屆理事 (2024/05/01~2027/4/30) 22. 新北市政府空氣汙染防制基金管理委員會委員 (2023/02/12~2027/1/6) 23. 高雄市政府環境影響評估審查委員會委員 (2019/05~2025/05) 24. 高雄市政府環境保護基金管理會委員 (2019/03~迄今) 25. 高雄市政府公害糾紛調處委員會委員 (2024/01/01~2026/12/31) 26. 台南市政府環境教育績優遴選表揚計畫評審委員 (2019/06~迄今) 27. 台南市政府環境保護基金管理會委員 (2019/03~2024/12) 28. 屏東縣政府環境影響評估審查委員會委員 (2019/03~2025/12) 29. 嘉義縣政府空氣汙染物減量推動小組委員 (2021/10/01~2025/9/30) 30. 澎湖縣政府第14屆環境評估審查委員會委員 (2024/10~2026/01) 31. 湖縣縣環境保護基金管理委員會委員(2025/01/01~2026/12/31) 32. 台灣港務股份有限公司高雄港務分公司申訴評議委員(2025/01/01~2026/12/31) 33. 國家科學及技術委員會工程技術研究發展處環境工程學門複審委員(2025/01/01~2025/12/31) |
經歷 |
1. 高雄醫學大學環保暨安全衛生室組長 (2010/08~2015/07) 2. 高雄醫學大學稽核室稽核委員 (2014/01~2016/01) 3. 高雄醫學大學公共衛生學系教授暨系主任 (2015/08~2024/07) 4. 高雄醫學大學公共衛生學系副教授 (2009/09~2015/07) 5. 高雄醫學大學公共衛生學系助理教授 (2005/08~2009/08) 6. 國立屏東科技大學野生動物保育研究所合聘教授 (2020/08~2021/07) 7. 正修科技大學環境毒物與新興汙染物研究中心創新研發顧問 (2020/01~2022/12) 8. 衛生福利部疾病管制署感染管制及生物安全組實驗室生物安全查核委員 (2014/01~2014/12) 9. 衛生福利部疾病管制署諮詢委員 (2022/01~2023/12) 10. 衛生福利部因應嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎醫療機構輔導作業 (財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會)訪視委員 (2019/03~2019/08) 11. 衛生福利部公共衛生師考試資格認定審查小組委員 (2019/03~迄今) 12. 行政院環境保護署空汙危害與健康防護之防治新策略研究推動小組委員 (2021/01~ 2023/12) 13. 國家科學及技術委員會工程技術研究發展處環境工程學門復審委員 (2023/01~ 2023/12) 14. 台灣職業衛生學會第8、9屆副秘書長、第10、11屆常務理事 (2012/04-2023/05) 15. 社團法人台灣室內環境品質學會理事 (2019/05~2024/05) 16. 社團法人台灣建築醫學學會理事 (2022~2024) 17. 桃園市政府空氣汙染防治基金管理會委員 (2021/10/03~2023/10/02) 18. 高雄市政府環境影響評估審查委員會委員 (2019/05~迄今(2025年5月) 19. 高雄市政府環境保護基金管理會委員 (2019/03~迄今) 20. 高雄市政府空氣污染防制技術諮詢小組委員 (2019/04~2023/03) 21. 台南市政府觀光旅遊局旅宿業防疫自主管理檢查評鑑委員 (2019/08~2019/12) 22. 台南市政府環保局噪音監測暨管理計畫評選委員 (2019/03~2019/12) 23. 屏東縣政府環境影響評估審查委員會委員 (2021/01~2023/12) 24. 嘉義縣政府空氣污染物減量推動小組委員 (2021/10~2023/09) 25. 台灣氣膠學會理事長 (2020/09~2022/09) 26. 台灣氣膠學會委員 (2022/09~2024/09) 27. 衛生福利部疾病管制署104年實驗室生物安全查核委員 28. 高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院人體試驗審查委員會審查委員 29. 2014年職業衛生研討會「職業衛生計畫書面化之推動」與談專家 30. 2013年工業衛生暨環境職業醫學國際學術研討會優秀論文審查委員 |
學術專長 |
1. 生物氣膠 2. 空氣汙染 |
研究興趣 |
1. 環境衛生 2. 空氣汙染 3. 生物氣膠 |
任教科目 |
1. 大學部-環境衛生、職業衛生、公共衛生學概論、公害防治、環境衛生書報討論、環境衛生管理與法規 2. 碩士班-環境衛生學特論、生物性危害、氣膠技術學(一)、氣膠技術學(二) |
研究計畫 |
計畫名稱 |
補助單位 |
擔任工作 |
起訖年月 |
大氣中禽流感病毒與影響因子(3/3) |
國科會(原科技部) |
主持人 |
2025/8/1~2026/7/31 |
大氣中禽流感病毒與影響因子(2/3) |
國科會(原科技部) |
主持人 |
2024/8/1~2026/7/31 |
探尋石化高雄的永續與公正轉型路徑—從知識到行動(Knowledge to Action)的整合型研究-空氣清淨技術介入對重工業區敏感族群室內空氣品質與健康之改善評估(子計畫五)(3/3) |
國科會(原科技部) |
主持人 |
2024/8/1~2025/7/31 |
炭火烤肉店指標空氣污染物分析與空氣對肺功能及呼吸道之健康影響評估 |
高醫-中山合作計畫 |
主持人 |
2023/1/11~2023/12/31 |
燒烤店對附近家戶室內空氣品質與氣喘患者健康之影響 |
高醫-中山合作計畫 |
主持人 |
2023/1/1~2023/12/31 |
大氣中禽流感病毒與影響因子(1/3) |
國科會(原科技部) |
主持人 |
2023/8/1~2026/7/31 |
探尋石化高雄的永續與公正轉型路徑—從知識到行動(Knowledge to Action)的整合型研究-空氣清淨技術介入對重工業區敏感族群室內空氣品質與健康之改善評估(子計畫五)(2/3) |
國科會(原科技部) |
主持人 |
2023/8/1~2024/7/31 |
加油站對居家室內空氣品質與孩童健康之影響 |
高醫-中山合作計畫 |
主持人 |
2022/1/1~2022/12/31 |
探尋石化高雄的永續與公正轉型路徑—從知識到行動(Knowledge to Action)的整合型研究-空氣清淨技術介入對重工業區敏感族群室內空氣品質與健康之改善評估(子計畫五)(1/3) |
國科會(原科技部) |
主持人 |
2022/8/1~2023/7/31 |
候鳥棲息地空氣中禽流感病毒與影響因子之探討 |
國科會(原科技部) |
主持人 |
2021/08/01~2022/07/31 |
禽場空氣中禽流感病毒濃度分布與影響因子(3/3) |
國科會(原科技部) |
主持人 |
2021/08/01~2022/07/31 |
夜市及廟宇對居家室內空氣品質與孩童健康之影響 |
高醫-中山合作計畫 |
主持人 |
2020/01/01~2020/12/31 |
整合新穎禽流感監測方法以強化高風險區禽流感熱區監測 |
高醫屏科大 |
主持人 |
2020/01/01~2020/12/31 |
禽場空氣中禽流感病毒濃度分布與影響因子(2/3) |
國科會(原科技部) |
主持人 |
2020/08/01~2022/07/31 |
夜市對居家室內空氣品質與孩童健康之影響 |
高醫-中山合作計畫 |
主持人 |
2019/01/01~2019/12/31 |
禽場空氣中禽流感病毒濃度分布與影響因子(1/3) |
國科會(原科技部) |
主持人 |
2019/08/01~2022/07/31 |
幼兒園的室內空氣品質評估與介入 |
產學合作 |
主持人 |
2019/08/20~2020/03/31 |
殺菌濾紙之殺菌效率評估 |
產學合作 |
主持人 |
2019/12/15~2020/07/31 |
禽流感熱區長期針對大氣禽流感病毒監測 |
農委會 |
主持人 |
2020/01/01~2020/12/31 |
精進禽流感防控科技之研究 |
其他政府單位 |
主持人 |
2020/01/01~2020/12/31 |
中小學校園室內空氣品質現場測量、汙染源解析與改善 |
高醫中山合作計畫 |
主持人 |
2018/01/01~2018/12/31 |
禽類飼養及屠宰場空氣中流感與禽流感病毒之監測 |
科技部 |
主持人 |
2018/08/01~2019/07/31 |
空氣中禽流感病毒之濃度分布與影響因子 |
農委會 |
主持人 |
2018/04/01~2018/12/31 |
母親孕期至嬰兒時期,居家空氣中內毒素對孩童氣喘、哮喘與過敏之追蹤研究 |
科技部 |
主持人 |
2017/08/01~2018/07/31 |
禽流感防控研究中心先期建構 |
農委會 |
主持人 |
2017/09/27~2018/03/31 |
母親孕期至嬰兒出生三年內,居家空氣中內毒素對孩童氣喘、哮喘與過敏之追蹤研究 |
科技部 |
主持人 |
2016/08/01~2017/07/31 |
類鼻疽繼發多種器官膿瘍的傾向機制與發生風險之研究,-原發肺泡浸潤性與繼發肺栓塞性類鼻疽飛沫傳播之風險(3/3) |
科技部 |
主持人 |
2016/08/01~2017/07/31 |
類鼻疽繼發多種器官膿瘍的傾向機制與發生風險之研究,-原發肺泡浸潤性與繼發肺栓塞性類鼻疽飛沫傳播之風險(2/3) |
科技部 |
主持人 |
2015/08/01~2016/07/31 |
類鼻疽繼發多種器官膿瘍的傾向機制與發生風險之研究,-原發肺泡浸潤性與繼發肺栓塞性類鼻疽飛沫傳播之風險(1/3) |
科技部 |
主持人 |
2014/08/01~2015/07/31 |
呼出氣體之感染性生物氣膠濃度 |
科技部 |
主持人 |
2012/08/01~2015/07/31 |
高風險類鼻疽疫情區域之地理、氣候、感染源與傳播途徑之相關性 |
行政院衛生署疾病管制局 |
協同主持人 |
20120101~20141231 |
呼出氣體流行性感冒病毒與腸病毒之偵測 |
國科會 |
主持人 |
2011/08/01~2012/07/31 |
高風險類鼻疽疫情區域之地理、氣候、感染源與傳播途徑之相關性 |
高雄市衛生局 |
協同主持人 |
20120101~20141231 |
呼出氣體流行性感冒病毒與腸病毒之偵測 |
國科會 |
主持人 |
2011/08/01~2012/07/31 |
高雄市空氣污染與市民之健康風險評估研究計畫-國小學童之暴露與健康效應 |
高雄市衛生局 |
主持人 |
2011/04/26~2011/12/31 |
感染性生物氣膠的環境濃度與釋放速率 |
國科會 |
主持人 |
2010/08/01~2011/07/31 |
高雄市空氣污染與市民之健康風險研究-國小學童之暴露與健康效應 |
高雄市衛生局 |
主持人 |
2010/03/25~2010/12/31 |
高雄市空氣污染與市民之健康風險評估研究計畫書 |
高雄市衛生局 |
主持人 |
2009/04~2009/12 |
The Risk of Airborne Infection of Influenza Viruses-Emission rate and exposure assessment |
高雄醫學大學校內計畫 |
主持人 |
2009/01~2009/12 |
醫院中感染性生物氣膠分佈 |
國科會 |
主持人 |
2007/08~2008/07 |
空氣長程傳輸中微粒之流感與禽流感病毒偵測與健康效應評估專案工作計畫(二) |
環保署 |
主持人 |
2007/05~2008/03 |
流行病學特徵評估氣候變遷在傳染病流行之重要高危險區流行趨向及其策略規劃 |
國科會 |
共同主持人 |
2007/03~2007/12 |
幼稚園空氣品質與流行性感冒病毒濃度之評估 |
高雄醫學大學校內計畫 |
主持人 |
2006/12~2007/07 |
流行病學特徵評估氣候變遷在傳染病流行之重要高危險區流行趨向及其策略規劃 |
國科會 |
共同主持人 |
2006/03~2006/12 |
研究著作 |
期刊論文 |
SCI 期刊論文 1. Jia Lin Zhang, Tsu-Nai Wang#, Pei-Chen Lin, Kuan-Ting Lin, Yu-Han Chen, Jyun-Min Jhang, Ting-Ching Yao, Yuan-Chung Lin*, Pei-Shih Chen*.Impacts of night market on indoor air quality and lung function of children in nearby households. Journal Of Exposure Science And Environmental Epidemiology accepted in 31 Jan, 2025. 【2023 Journal Impact Factor 4.1,Rank 54/408,PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH】 2. Fu-Jen Cheng, Chien-Er Huang, Pei-Shih Chen, Yu-Lun Tseng, Ching-Shu Lai(2025). New evidence on the nephrotoxicity of fine particulate matter: potential toxic components from different emission sources. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety accepted in 23 Jan, 2025. 【2023 Journal Impact Factor 6.2,Rank 9/106,toxicology】 3. Liao, T. C., Tsai, P. C., Lin, M. C., Wu, C. C., Chen, H. C., Chen, P. S., Lin, Y. C., Chen, K. S., & Wang, T. N. (2024). Exploring Occupational Asthmagen-Related Asthma Phenotypes: A Cluster Analysis and Machine Learning Study. Allergy, 10.1111/all.16422. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1111/all.16422【2023 Journal Impact Factor 12.6,Rank 1/39,allergy】 4. Zhang, J. L., Liao, G. Y., Lin, H. Y., Xie, J. A., Li, W. C., Chen, H. C., Wu, D. W., Juan, H. L., Kuo, J. Y., & Chen, P. S.* (2024). Enhancing indoor air quality and cardiopulmonary health in patients with asthma by photocatalytic oxidation and filters air cleaner. Journal of hazardous materials, 482, 136573. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.136573【2023 Journal Impact Factor 12.2,Rank 12/358, environmental sciences】 5. Pei-Cheng Cheng, Kassian T. T. Amesho, Yin-Cheng Huang, Yuan-Chung Lin, Feng-Chih Chou, Tsu-Nai Wang, Pei-Shih Chen, Kang-Shin Chen, Ken-Lin Chang & Chien-Hung Lee. Comprehensive evaluation of air quality: incense burning and night market emissions in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, using the ISCST3 air quality model. Air Qual Atmos Health (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11869-024-01634-y【2023 Journal Impact Factor 2.9,Rank 185/358, environmental sciences】 6. Jia Lin Zhang ,Yu-Chun Wang#, Yi Lien Lee, Chun-Yuh Yang*, Pei-Shih Chen* Airborne Influenza Virus in Daycare Centers, Viruses 2024;16:6-822【2023 Journal Impact Factor 3.8, Rank 17/41, Virology】 7. Chen TY, Chen SC, Wang CW, Tu HP, Chen PS, Hu SC, Li CH, Wu DW, Hung CH, Kuo CH. The impact of the synergistic effect of SO2 and PM2.5/PM10 on obstructive lung disease in subtropical Taiwan. Front Public Health. 2023 Sep 22;11:1229820. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1229820. 【2022 Journal Impact Factor 5.2, Rank 25/180, PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH】 8. Lin FC, Chen PS, Lin YC, Lin MC, Wu CC, Chen KS, Lee CH, Wang TN. Body composition modify the association between ambient particulate matter and lung function among asthma patients. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2023 Aug;30(37):88060-88071. doi: 10.1007/s11356-023-28597-4.【2022 Journal Impact Factor 5.8, Rank 67/275, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES】 9. Quang-Oai Lu, Chien-Cheng Jung, How-Ran Chao, Pei-Shih Chen, Chia-Wei Lee, Quynh Thi Phuong Tran, Jyun-Yi Ciou, Wei-Hsiang Chang.Investigating the associations between organophosphate flame retardants (OPFRs) and fine particles in paired indoor and outdoor air: A probabilistic prediction model for deriving OPFRs in indoor environments. Environ Int. 2023 Apr;174:107871. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2023.107871. Epub 2023 Mar 11.PMID: 36931197【2022 Journal Impact Factor 11.8, Rank 17/275, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES】 10. Zhang JL, Chen ZY, Lin SL, King CC, Chen CC, Chen PS. Airborne Avian Influenza Virus in Ambient Air in the Winter Habitats of Migratory Birds. Environ Sci Technol. 2022 Nov 15;56(22):15365-15376. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.2c04528.【2021 Journal Impact Factor 11.357, Rank 32/325, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES】 11. Wu DW, Chang LH, Yang PC, Kuo TY, Tsai DL, Chen HC, Yuan HL, Chen PS, Chen SC, Lin IM. Anxiety Is a Mediator between Heart Rate Variability and Quality of Life in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. J Pers Med. 2022 Jun 12;12(6):960. doi: 10.3390/jpm12060960.【2021 Journal Impact Factor 3.508, Rank 69/172, MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL】 12. Amesho, K.T.T., Lin, Y.C., Gong, Z.W., Chou, F.C., Cheng, P.C., Wang, T.N., Chen, P.S., Chen, K.S., Chang, K.L., Lee, C.H. (2021). Assessment of PM2.5 Chemical Composition and Air Quality Monitoring: Implications of Air Pollutants Emissions from a Night Market in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. Aerosol Air Qual. Res. 21, 210206. https://doi.org/10.4209/aaqr.210206.【2020 Journal Impact Factor 3.063, Rank 138/274, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES】 13. Ho-Hsiang Lin, Chung-Shin Yuan* , Wang-Kun Chen, Chang-Tang Chang, Pei-Shih Chen .On-site measurement and simulation of indoor particulate matter distributed in a single room with stratified flow field.Indoor and Built Environment 0(0) 1–20,March 2020 doi: 10.1177/1420326X20919788. 【2019 Journal Impact Factor 1.900, Rank 31/63,CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY】 14. Da-Wei Wu, Szu-Chia Chen, Hung-Pin Tu, Chih-Wen Wang, Chih-Hsing Hung, Huang-Chi Chen, Tzu-Yu Kuo, Chen-Feng Wang, Bo-Cheng Lai, Pei-Shih Chen*, Chao-Hung Kuo .The Impact of the Synergistic Effect of Temperature and Air Pollutants on Chronic Lung Diseases in Subtropical Taiwan.Journal of Personalized Medicine, 2021 Aug 21 doi: 10.3390/jpm11080819.【2020 Journal Impact Factor 4.945, Rank 15/107,HEALTH CARE SCIENCES & SERVICES】 15. Yu-Chuan Yen, Chun-Yuh Yang, Tsu-Nai Wang, Pei-Chun Yen, Chi-Kung Ho, Kristina D. Mena, Tzu-Chi Lee, Kang-Shin Chen, Yuan-Chung Lin & Pei-Shih Chen*. Household airborne endotoxin associated with asthma and allergy in elementary school-age children: a case–control study in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2020 Mar 25. doi: 10.1007/s11356-020-07899-x. [Epub ahead of print] 【2019 Journal Impact Factor 3.056, Rank 99/265,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES】 16. Yu-Chuan Yen, Chun-Yuh Yang, Chi-Kung Ho, Pei-Chun Yen, Yu-Ting Cheng, Kristina D. Mena, Tzu-Chi Lee, Pei-Shih Chen*. Indoor Ozone and Particulate Matter Modify the Association between Airborne Endotoxin and Schoolchildren's Lung Function. Science of the Total Environment Volume 705, 25 February 2020, 135810. 【2019 Journal Impact Factor 6.551, Rank 22/265,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES】 17. Lu, Jhih-Yuan, Tung, Tao-Hsin, Shen, Sheng-Ang∗, Huang, Chien, Chen, Pei-Shih .The effects of psychotherapy for depressed or posttraumatic stress disorder women with childhood sexual abuse history: Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials MEDICINE. Volume 99, April 2020 doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000019776. 【2019 Journal Impact Factor 1.552, Rank 89/165,MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL】 18. Yu-Chuan Yen, Chun-Yuh Yang, Kristina Dawn Mena, Yu-Ting Cheng and Pei-Shih Chen*. Cooking/Window Opening and Associated Increases of Indoor PM2.5 and NO2 Concentrations of Children’s Houses in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 4306 【2018 Journal Impact Factor 2.217, Rank 89/172,CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY】 19. Chen CC, Chen PS, Yang CY. Relationship between fine particulate air pollution exposure and human adult life expectancy in Taiwan. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2019;82(14):826-832. doi: 10.1080/15287394.2019.1658386. 【2018 Journal Impact Factor 2.649, Rank 56/186,PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH】 20. Hsu CH, Chi CC, Chen PS, Wang SH, Tung TH, Wu SC. The effects of aromatherapy massage on improvement of anxiety among patients receiving palliative care: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019 Mar;98(9):e14720. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000014720.【2018 Journal Impact Factor 1.870, Rank 69/160,MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL】 21. Yu-Chuan Yen, Chun-YuhYang, Kristina Dawn Mena, Yu-TingCheng, Chung-ShinYuan, P.S. Chen*. Jumping on the bed and associated increases of PM10, PM2.5, PM1, airborne endotoxin, bacteria, and fungi concentrations. Environmental Pollution.Volume 245, February 2019, Pages 799-809. 【2018 Journal Impact Factor 5.714, Rank 25/251,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES】 22. Chen YS, Lin HH, Hsueh PT, Ni WF, Liu PJ, Chen PS, Chang HH, Sun DS, Chen YL. Involvement of L-selectin expression in Burkholderia pseudomallei-infected monocytes invading the brain during murine melioidosis. Virulence. 2017 Aug 18;8(6):751-766. doi: 10.1080/21505594.2016.1232239.【2016 Journal Impact Factor 4.665, Rank 38/151,IMMUNOLOGY】 23. Y.S. Tsai, Y.T. Tseng, P.S. Chen, M.C. Lin, C.C. Wu, M.S. Huang, C.C. Wang, K.S. Chen, Y.C. Lin, T.N. Wang*. Protective effects of elafin against adult asthma. Allergy and Asthma Proceedings. (2016) 37(2):15-24. 【2015 Journal Impact Factor 2.709, Rank 11/25,allergy】 24. T.H. Chen, T.H. Tung, P.S. Chen, S.H. Wang, C.M. Chao, N.H. Hsiung, C.C. Chi*. The Clinical Effects of Aromatherapy Massage on Reducing Pain for the Cancer Patients: Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (2016) 2016:9147974. 【2015 Journal Impact Factor 1.931, Rank 7/24,INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE】 25. P.S. Chen, Y.S. Chen, H.H. Lin, P.J. Liu, W.F. Ni, P.T. Hsueh, S.H. Liang, C. Chen, Y.L. Chen*. Airborne Transmission of Melioidosis to Humans from Environmental Aerosols Contaminated with B. pseudomallei. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. (2015) 10;9(6):e0003834. 【2014 Journal Impact Factor 4.446, Rank 5/36,PARASITOLOGY】 26. C.C. Chang, P.S. Chen, C.Y. Yang*. Short-term effects of fine particulate air pollution on hospital admissions for cardiovascular diseases: a case-crossover study in a tropical city. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A: Current Issues. (2015) 78(4):267-277. 【2014 Journal Impact Factor 2.351, Rank 83/223,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES】 27. Y.L. Chen, Y.C. Yen, C.Y. Yang, M.S. Lee, C.K. Ho, K.D. Mena, P.Y. Wang, P.S. Chen.* The concentrations of ambient Burkholderia pseudomallei during typhoon season in endemic area of melioidosis in Taiwan. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. (2014) 29;8(5):e2877. 【2013 Journal Impact Factor 4.489, Rank 4/37,PARASITOLOGY】 28. J.-J. MU, P.-Y. CHENG, Y.-S. CHEN, P.S. CHEN AND Y.-L. CHEN* The occurrence of melioidosis is related to different climatic conditions in distinct topographical areas of Taiwan. Epidemiol. Infect. (2014), 142, 415–423. 【2013 Journal Impact Factor 2.491, Rank 44/162,PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH】 29. Y.H. Liao, P.S. Chen, H.F. Chiu, C.Y. Yang. Magnesium in Drinking Water Modifies the Association Between Nitrate Ingestion and Risk of Death from Esophageal Cancer. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 76(2013)192–200. 【2012 Journal Impact Factor 1.733, Rank 108/210,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES】 30. Y.K. Lin, C.K. Chang, S.C. Chang, P.S. Chen, C. Lin, Y.C. Wang, Temperature, nitrogen dioxide, circulating respiratory viruses and acute upper respiratory infections among children in Taipei, Taiwan: A population-based study. Environmental Research. 120 (2013) 109–118. 【2012 Journal Impact Factor 3.238, Rank 32/210,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES】 31. S.S. Tsai, P.S. Chen, Y.H. Yang, S.H. Liou, T.N. Wu, F.C. Sung, C.Y. Yang. Air pollution and hospital admissions for myocardial infarction: are there potentially sensitive groups? J Toxicol Environ Health A. 75(2012) 242-251. 【2011 Journal Impact Factor 1.830, Rank 86/205,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES】 32. J.J. Mu, P.Y. Cheng, Y.S. Chen, P.S. Chen, Y.L. Chen*. Case cluster shifting and contaminant source as determinants of melioidosis in Taiwan. Tropical Medicine & International Health. 17(2012)1005-1013. 【2011 Journal Impact Factor 2.795, Rank 32/158,PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH】 33. L.J. Hung, S.S. Tsai, P.S. Chen, Y.H. Yang, S.H. Liou, T.N. Wu, C.Y. Yang*. Traffic Air Pollution and Risk of Death from Breast Cancer in Taiwan: Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) as a Proxy Marker. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 12(2012) 275–282. 【2011 Journal Impact Factor 2.827, Rank 43/205,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES】 34. Chiu H.F., Tsai S.S., Chen P.S., Wu T.N., Yang C.Y.. Does calcium in drinking water modify the association between nitrate in drinking water and risk of death from colon cancer? J Water Health. 2011 Sep;9(3):498-506. 【2010 Journal Impact Factor 1.625, Rank 92/193,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES】 35. H. F. Chiu, S. S. Tsai, P.S. Chen, Y. H. Liao, S. H. Liou, T. N. Wu5, C. Y. Yang. Traffic Air Pollution and Risk of Death from Gastric Cancer in Taiwan: Petrol Station Density as an Indicator of Air Pollutant Exposure. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 74:1215–1224, 2011. 【2010 Journal Impact Factor 1.637, Rank 90/193,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES】 36. Chen P.S.*, Tsai FT, Lin CK, Yang CY, Chan CC, Young CY, Lee CH.Ambient Influenza and Avian Influenza Virus during Dust Storm Days and Background Days. Environ Health Perspect. 118(9):1211-1216 Sep. 2010. 【2009 Journal Impact Factor 6.191, Rank 4/181,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES】 37. H.W. Kuo, P.S. Chen, S.C. Ho, L.Y. Wang, C.Y. Yang. Trihalomethansein in drinking water and the risk of death from rectal cancer: dose hardness in drinking water matter? Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 73(2010) 807–818. 【2009 Journal Impact Factor 1.724, Rank 75/181,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES】 38. P.S. Chen, C. K. Lin, F. T. Tsai, C. Y. Yang, C. H. Lee, Y.S. Liao, C.Y. Yeh, C. C. King, J. L. Wu, Y. C.Wang, K. H. Lin. Quantification of Airborne Influenza and Avian Influenza Virus in a Wet Poultry Market using a Filter/Real-time qPCR Method. Aerosol Science and Technology. 43: 290-297 APR 2009. 【2008 Journal Impact Factor 2.686, Rank 4/105, ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL】 39. C. H. Lee., J. M. Lee, D. C. Wu, Y. G. Goan, S. H. Chou, I. C. Wu, E. L. Kao, T. F. C., M. C. Huang, P.S. Chen, C. Y. Lee, C. T. Huang, H. L Huang, C. Y. Hu, Y. H. Hungl, M. T. Wu. Carcinogenetic impact of ADH1B and ALDH2 genes on squamous cell carcinoma risk of the esophagus with regard to the consumption of alcohol, tobacco and betel quid. International Journal of Cancer. 2008 Mar 15;122(6):1347-56. 【2007 Journal Impact Factor 4.555, Rank 30/132, ONCOLOGY】 40. Chen, P.S.*and Li, C. S. Concentration Profiles of Airborne Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a Hospital. Aerosol Science and Technology. 42 (3): 194-200 March 2008. 【2007 Journal Impact Factor 2.350, Rank 4/107, ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL】 41. M. F. Cheng, S. C. Ho, H. F. Chiu, T. N. Wu, P.S. Chen, and C. Y. Yang. Consequences of Exposure to Asian Dust Storm Events on Daily Pneumonia Hospital Admissions in Taipei, Taiwan. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A,71: 1295–1299, 2008 Oct. 【2008 Journal Impact Factor 1.676, Rank 71/163, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES】 42. M. F. Cheng, S. S. Tsai, T. N. Wu, P.S. Chen and C. Y. Yang. Air Pollution and Hospital Admissions for Pneumonia in A Tropical City: Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 70: 2021–2026, 2007 Dec. 【2008 Journal Impact Factor 1.676, Rank 71/163, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES】 43. Lee, C. H., D. C. Wu, J. M. Lee, I. C. Wu, Y.G. Goan, E. L. Kao, H. L. Huang, T.F. Chan, S.H. Chou, Y.P. Chou, C.Y. Lee, P.S. Chen , C. K. Ho, J. He, M.T. Wu. Carcinogenetic impact of alcohol intake on squamous cell carcinoma risk of the esophagus in relation to tobacco smoking. European Journal of Cancer. 2007 May;43(7):1188-99. 【2006 Journal Impact Factor 4.167, Rank 38/127, ONCOLOGY】 44. Li, C. S., Chia, W. C., Chen, P.S. Fluorochrome and flow cytometry to monitor microorganisms in treated hospital wastewater.Journal of Environmental Science & Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering, 2007,Feb;42(2):195-203. 【2006 Journal Impact Factor 0.669, Rank 25/35, ENGINEERING, ENVIRONMENTAL】 45. Chen,P.S.and Li, C. S. Real-time monitoring for bioaerosols - Flow Cytometry. Analyst. 2007, 132, 14-16. 【2006 Journal Impact Factor 3.198, Rank 8/68, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL】 46. Chen,P.S.and Li, C. S. Bioaerosol Characterization by Flow Cytometry with Fluorochrome. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 2005, 7, 950 – 959. 【2004 Journal Impact Factor 1.366, Rank 49/134, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES】 47. Chen P.S., Li CS. Quantification of airborne Mycobacterium tuberculosis in health care setting using real-time qPCR coupled to an air-sampling filter method. Aerosol Science and Technology. 2005 39(4). APR 371-376 . 【2004 Journal Impact Factor 1.432, Rank 6/103, ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL】 48. Chen, P.S. and Li, C. S. Real-Time Quantitative PCR with Gene Probe, Fluorochrome, and Flow Cytometry for Bioaerosol Analysis. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 2005. 7:257-262. 【2004 Journal Impact Factor 1.366, Rank 49/134, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES】
49. Chen, P.S. and Li, C. S. Sampling Performance for Bioaerosols by Flow Cytometry with Fluorochrome. Aerosol Science and Technology. 2005 39(3). Mar 231-237. 【2004 Journal Impact Factor 1.432, Rank 6/103, ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL】 其他期刊論文 1. Li, W. C., & Chen, P. S.* (2023). 空氣清淨機技術介入對工業區室內空氣污染物與氣喘患者健康改善之評估. 台灣公共衛生雜誌, 42(5), 564-574. 2. 蘇慧貞、林乾坤、陳培詩,氣候變遷對公共衛生的衝擊,行政院國家科學委員會科學發展月刊,2008年,421期: 12頁-17頁。 PATENT 1. United State : US7964389B2 “QUANTITATIVE SAMPLER OF PATHOGENS IN EXHALED AIR” 2011 2. Taiwan : TP080378-TW “QUANTITATIVE SAMPLER OF PATHOGENS IN EXHALED AIR, 2012 |
國內與國際研討會論文 |
1. Chueh Jung Hou, Yueh Qi Wu, Pei-Shih Chen*. (2024) Effects of indoor air purifying technology intervention on urinary heavy metals and health in asthmatic patients in an industrial area. 13th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC) 2024: Raise Your Impact 2024.11.3-2024.11.7 (oral) 2. Chia Yi Lin, Jia Lin Zhang, Yi Lien Lee, Pei-Shih Chen*. (2024) Airborne influenza virus in daycare centers. 13th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC) 2024: Raise Your Impact 2024.11.3-2024.11.7 (poster) 3. Man-Yan Cheng, Jie-An Xie, Pei-Shih Chen* (2024) Evaluation of air purifiers on bioaerosols in households and health effects among asthmatic patients in an industrial area. 13th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC) 2024: Raise Your Impact 2024.11.3-2024.11.7 (oral) 4. Chia-Chi Cheng, Chia-Yi Lin , Chueh-Jung Hou and Pei-Shih Chen*. (2024) Evaluation of the effects of the air purifier intervention on air pollutants at homes of preterm infants and health effects of family members living together. 13th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC) 2024: Raise Your Impact 2024.11.3-2024.11.7 (poster) 5. Tan Ke Ning, Siyu-Huang, Pei-Shih Chen*. (2024) The Effects of Air Purifier Intervention on Cytokines in Blood of Asthma Patients in Industrial Area. 13th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC) 2024: Raise Your Impact 2024.11.3-2024.11.7 (oral) 6. WEI-CHEN,LIN,JUE-LONG,CHEN, PEI-SHIH,CHEN*.(2024)The Effects of Air Purifier Intervention on MicroRNA in Blood of Asthma Patients. 13th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC) 2024: Raise Your Impact 2024.11.3-2024.11.7 (poster) 7. Man-Yan Cheng, Jie-An Xie, Pei-Shih Chen*.(2024) Evaluation of air purifiers on bioaerosols in households and health effects among asthmatic patients in an industrial area. 2024年公共衛生聯合年會2024.10.5-2024.10.6 (oral) 8. Jia Lin Zhang, Pei-Shih Chen*. (2024) Enhancing indoor air quality and cardiopulmonary health in patients with asthma through photocatalytic oxidation and filters air purifier in a heavy industrial urban area. 2024年亞洲創新方法促進健康室內環境研討會2024.11.1-2024.11.2 (oral/Student Thesis Competition) 9. Tan Ke Ning, Pei-Shih Chen*. (2024) The Effects of Air Purifier Interventions on Air Quality in Hospice Wards. 2024年亞洲創新方法促進健康室內環境研討會 2024.11.1-2024.11.2 (oral/Student Thesis Competition) 10. Yuan-Chen Chao, Jia-Lin Zhang, Yu-Chuan Yen, Tsu-Nai Wang, Yuan-Chung Lin, Pei-Shih Chen*. (2024) Indoor sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide are associated with asthma and reduced lung function in schoolchildren in an industrial city. 2024年亞洲創新方法促進健康室內環境研討會 2024.11.1-2024.11.2 (oral/Student Thesis Competition) 11. Yu Pei Wu, Pei-Shih Chen*. (2024) The effect of Air Cleaner on Indoor Air Quality in households and Health in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. 2024年亞洲創新方法促進健康室內環境研討會2024.11.1-2024.11.2 (oral/Student Thesis Competition) 12. Bo Deng Wang, Jia Lin Zhang, Tsu-Nai Wang, Yuan-Chung Lin, Pei-Shih Chen*. (2024) Impacts of night market on indoor air quality and children’s lung function in nearby households. 2024年亞洲創新方法促進健康室內環境研討會 2024.11.1-2024.11.2 (oral/Student Thesis Competition) 13. Jia Lin Zhang, Guan-Yu Liao, Hong-Yi Lin, Jie-An Xie, Wan-Chen Li, Pei-Shih Chen*. (2024) Enhancing indoor air quality and cardiopulmonary health in patients with asthma through photocatalytic oxidation and filters air purifier in a heavy industrial urban area. 第31屆國際氣膠科技研討會暨2024細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制及空氣品質與淨零排放議題研討會2024.9.20-2024.9.21 (oral/Student Thesis Competition) 14. Man-Yan Cheng, Jie-An Xie, Pei-Shih Chen*.(2024)Evaluation of air purifiers on bioaerosols in households and health effects among asthmatic patients in an industrial area. 第31屆國際氣膠科技研討會暨2024細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制及空氣品質與淨零排放議題研討會 2024.9.20-2024.9.21 (oral) 15. Jia Lin Zhang, Wan-Chen Li, Pei-Shih Chen*. (2024) The improvement of indoor air in households through photocatalytic oxidation air purifier in an industrial city. Indoor Air 2024 Sustaining the Indoor Air Revolution: Raise Your Impact (Oral) 2024.7.7-2024.7.11 16. Jia Lin Zhang, Yi Lien Lee, Pei-Shih Chen*. (2024) Airborne influenza virus in daycare centers. Indoor Air 2024 Sustaining the Indoor Air Revolution: Raise Your Impact (Oral) 2024.7.7-2024.7.11 17. Guo Ping Tseng, Jia Lin Zhang, Pei-Shih Chen* (2024) Indoor Sulfur Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide Are Associated With Asthma and Reduced Lung Function in Schoolchildren in an Industrial City. Indoor Air 2024 Sustaining the Indoor Air Revolution: Raise Your Impact (Poster) 2024.7.7-2024.7.11 18. Guo Ping Tseng, Jia Lin Zhang, Pei-Shih Chen* (2024) Impacts of night market on indoor air quality and children’s lung function in nearby households. Indoor Air 2024 Sustaining the Indoor Air Revolution: Raise Your Impact (Oral) 2024.7.7-2024.7.11 19. 陳可寧、謝杰安、陳培詩*.(2023)室內空氣清淨技術介入對工業區氣喘病人居家生物氣膠改善成效之評估. 2023細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制及空氣品質與淨零排放議題研討會. 2023年9月22-23日 (oral) 20. 曾國評、陳玨龍、張佳琳、陳培詩*.(2023)氣喘患者居家環境介入空氣清淨機後對血液中miR-146-5p及miR-194-3p的影響. 2023細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制及空氣品質與淨零排放議題研討會. 2023年9月22-23日 (oral) 21. Jia Lin Zhang, Pei Shih Chen*. (2023) The improvement of indoor air in households of asthma patients through air purifier in industrial city. 35th Annual Conference of The International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (oral) 2023.9.17-2023.9.21 22. Jia Lin Zhang, Zi Yu Chen, Si Ling Lin, Pei Shih Chen*. (2023) Airborne Avian Influenza Virus in Ambient Air in the Winter Habitats of Migratory Birds. 35th Annual Conference of The International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (oral) 2023.9.17-2023.9.21 23. Jia Lin Zhang, Yu Chuan Yen, Pei Shih Chen*. (2023) Indoor carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide were associated with schoolchildren's asthma and lung function in an industrial city. 35th Annual Conference of The International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (poster) 2023.9.17-2023.9.21 24. Guo Ping Tseng, Jia Lin Zhang, Pei Shih Chen*. (2023) Impact of air pollutants from night markets on nearby households. 35th Annual Conference of The International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (poster) 2023.9.17-2023.9.21 25. Tsai Chi Hung, Jia Lin Zhang, Yi Lien Lee, Pei Shih Chen*. (2023) Airborne influenza virus in daycare centers. 35th Annual Conference of The International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (poster) 2023.9.17-2023.9.21 26. 洪綵祺、黃絲瑜、陳培詩* (2023) 室內空氣清淨技術介入對工業區氣喘病人血液中細胞激素之影響. 2023年公共衛生聯合年會暨學術研討會. 2023年9月16-17 (poster) 27. 黄子瑜、謝杰安、張佳琳、陳培詩*.(2023)室內空氣清淨技術介入對工業區氣喘病人居家生物氣膠改善成效之評估.2023職業衛生暨職業醫學國際學術研討會. 2023年4月23(oral) 28. 張貽婷、謝杰安、陳培詩*.(2023)空氣清淨機介入氣喘病人居家生物氣膠改善之評估.2023職業衛生暨職業醫學國際學術研討會. 2023年4月21日(poster) 29. 陳泯翰、黃絲瑜、陳培詩*.(2022)室內介入空氣清淨機對氣喘患者血液中細胞激素之影響.2023職業衛生暨職業醫學國際學術研討會. 2023年4月21-23日(oral) 30. 羅語柔、廖冠瑜、陳培詩*. (2023)氣喘病人居家介入空氣清淨機空氣污染物與健康之改善. 2023職業衛生暨職業醫學國際學術研討會. 2023年4月23-25 (oral) 31. Jia-Lin Zhang, Zi-Yu Chen, Chen P.S.*(2022)Ambient avian Influenza Virus in the Stopover Sites of Migratory Birds. Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC), Jun 12-16 2022 (oral) 32. Jue-Long Chen, Jia-Lin Zhang, Guan-Yu Liao, Chen P.S.*(2022)The Health Effect after the Intervention of Air Purifier for Asthma Patients in the Household. Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC), Jun 12-16 2022 (oral) 33. 陳玨龍、陳培詩.(2022)室內空氣清淨技術介入對工業區氣喘病人居家空氣品質改善之成效評估.2022職業衛生暨職業醫學與護理國際學術研討會.2022年4月23(oral) 34. 李宛宸、廖冠瑜、陳培詩.(2021) 室內空氣清淨技術介入對工業區氣喘病人健康改善之成效評估. 2021年亞洲室內環境品質、健康防疫與智慧生活研討會. 2021年6月03-04日(poster) 35. 吳岳錡、顏昱娟、陳培詩.(2021) 家戶室內空氣品質與學童肺功能. 2021年亞洲室內環境品質、健康防疫與智慧生活研討會. 2021年6月03-04日(oral) 36. 林珮蓁、林冠婷、陳妤涵、張竣閔、姚廷靜、林淵淙、陳培詩.(2021) 夜市對附近家戶室內空氣品質與健康之影響. 2021年亞洲室內環境品質、健康防疫與智慧生活研討會. 2021年6月03-04日(oral) 37. 謝杰安、廖冠瑜、陳培詩.(2020) 室內空氣清淨技術介入對工業區氣喘病人健康改善之成效評估. 2021職業衛生暨職業醫學國際學術研討會. 2021年4月23-25日(oral) 38. 張裕翔、簡誌廷、陳培詩.(2020) 案例場空氣中禽流感病毒濃度分布與影響因子之評. 2021職業衛生暨職業醫學國際學術研討會. 2021年4月23-25日(oral) 39. 張裕翔、簡誌廷、陳培詩.(2020) 案例場空氣中禽流感病毒濃度分布與影響因子之評估.第二十七屆國際氣膠科技研討會 2020年細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)與空氣品質改善研討會. 2020年9月25-26日(oral) 40. 張佳琳、陳紫鈺、陳培詩. (2020) 2017 -2019 年台灣中南部候鳥棲息地空氣禽流感病毒與影響因子之探討. 第二十七屆國際氣膠科技研討會 2020年細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)與空氣品質改善研討會. 2020年9月25-26日(oral) 41. 黃絲瑜、林珮蓁、林冠婷、陳妤涵、張竣閔、姚廷靜、林淵淙、陳培詩.(2020)夜市對附近家戶室內空氣品質與健康之影響.2020年細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)與空氣品質改善研討會. 第二十七屆國際氣膠科技研討會 2020年9月25-26日(oral) 42. Chen P.S., Hu R.W., Yen Y.C. (2019) Indoor Ozone and Particulate Matter Modify the Effect of Airborne Endotoxin on Schoolchildren's Lung Function Healthy buildings 2019 Asia, October 22-25 2019(poster) 43. Chen P.S., Lin S.L.(2018) Ambient concentration of avian influenza virus in Aogu Wetland, an important habitat of migratory birds in Taiwan. Asian Network Of Occupational Hygiene (ANOH-CON),November 4-6 2018(oral) 44. 黃怡嘉、林思伶、陳培詩.(2018) 台灣禽流感熱區空氣中病毒濃度調查. 第 25 屆國際氣膠科技研討會暨2018 細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制與能見度改善研討會. 2018年09月14-15日(oral) 45. 陳紫鈺、林思伶、陳培詩. (2018)候鳥棲息地空氣中禽流感病毒濃度之調查. 第 25 屆國際氣膠科技研討會暨2018 細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制與能見度改善研討會. 2018年09月14-15日(oral) 46. 廖冠瑜、王瑞甫、陳培詩. (2018)雲林禽場空氣中禽流感病毒濃度分布之初步調查. 第 25 屆國際氣膠科技研討會暨2018 細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制與能見度改善研討會. 2018年09月14-15日(oral) 47. Chen P.S., Lin H.C., Lin S.L.(2017) Airborne mite allergens and its influence and its influence factors in pregnant women and newborn s’ house in Kaohsiung City , Taiwan . Forum on Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5)and Climate Change, September 8-9, 2017(oral) 48. Chen P.S., Yen Y.C., Lin S.L. (2017)Indoor Air Pollutants Modify the Effect of Airborne Endotoxin on Lung Functions in Non-Asthmatic Children. Healthy Buildings 2017 Asia, September 2-5 2017(oral). 49. Chen P.S., Yen P.C., Yen Y.C. (2016) Airborne endotoxin and asthma and allergy in elementary-school-age children: A case-control study. The American Industrial Hygiene Conference & Exposition (AIHce), Baltimore, May 21-26, 2016 (oral) 50. Chen P.S., Li Y.L., Lin H.C., (2016) INDOOR AIR MONITORING IN DAY-CARE CENTERS. The American Industrial Hygiene Conference & Exposition (AIHce), Baltimore, May 21-26, 2016 (oral) 51. Chen P.S.,Ke Y.R., Luo S.K. (2016) Airborne Mycobacterium tuberculosis Profiles in a Hospital with a Nosocomial TB outbreak. The American Industrial Hygiene Conference & Exposition (AIHce), Baltimore, May 21-26, 2016 (oral) 52. Chen P.S., Yen P.C., Yen Y.C. (2016) Airborne endotoxin and asthma and allergy in elementary-school-age children: A case-control study. Occupational Hygiene Conference & 7th Cross-Strait Academic Communication Conference on Occupational Hygiene, Tainan, March 3-4, 2016 (oral) 53. Chen P.S., Li Y.L., Lin H.C., (2016) INDOOR AIR MONITORING IN DAY-CARE CENTERS. Occupational Hygiene Conference & 7th Cross-Strait Academic Communication Conference on Occupational Hygiene, Tainan, March 3-4, 2016 (oral) 54. Chen P.S.,Ke Y.R., Luo S.K. (2016) Airborne Mycobacterium tuberculosis Profiles in a Hospital with a Nosocomial TB outbreak. Occupational Hygiene Conference & 7th Cross-Strait Academic Communication Conference on Occupational Hygiene, Tainan, March 3-4, 2016 (oral) 55. Chen P.S., Yen P.C., Yen Y.C. (2014) Airborne Endotoxin in School Children’s Houses in Kaohsiung City. 2014 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Kaohsiung, September 26-27, 2014 (poster) 56. Chen P.S., Cheng Y.T., Lin Y.R. (2014) Air Pollution between in Houses with Asthma and Those without Asthma. 2014 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Kaohsiung, September 26-27, 2014 (oral) 57. Chen P.S.,Cheng Y.T., Wang J.H. (2014) The influence of children jumping on the bed on PM10/PM2.5/PM1 concentration profile.2014 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Kaohsiung, September 26-27, 2014 (oral) 58. Chen P.S.,Yen P.C., Yen Y.C. (2014) Airborne Endotoxin in School Children’s Houses in Kaohsiung City. 2014 Conference on Indoor Environmental Quality and Health in Taiwan, Mainland China, Hong Kong and East Asia, Taipei, July 14--15, 2014 (oral) 59. Chen P.S.,Cheng Y.T., Wang M.C. (2014) Air Pollution between in Houses with Asthma and Those without Asthma. 2014 Conference on Indoor Environmental Quality and Health in Taiwan, Mainland China, Hong Kong and East Asia, Taipei, July 14--15, 2014 (oral) 60. Chen P.S.,Cheng Y.T., Chen X.W. (2014) The influence of children jumping on the bed on PM10/PM2.5/PM1 concentration profile. 2014 Conference on Indoor Environmental Quality and Health in Taiwan, Mainland China, Hong Kong and East Asia, Taipei, July 14--15, 2014 (oral) 61. Chen, P.S., Kristina D.M., Wang, M.C. (2014). The association of air pollutants on schoolchildren’s symptoms in Kaohsiung.International Conference of PM2.5 & Energy Security 2014, Kyoto, March 5-7, 2014. (Oral) 62. Chen, P.S., Lin, H.T., Chen, H.W. (2014).Concentration distribution of PM10, PM2.5, and PM1.0 at three primary schools in Kaohsiung city. International Conference of PM2.5 & Energy Security 2014, Kyoto, March 5-7, 2014. (Oral) 63. Chen, P.S., Hong, W.C., Lin, Y.C. (2014).Association of household indoor air and lung function of allergic children and non-allergic children. International Conference of PM2.5 & Energy Security 2014, Kyoto, March 5-7, 2014. (Oral) 64. Chen, P.S., Ou, C.S., Wang, M.C. (2012). Characterization of the bacterial and fungal bioaerosols in three elementary schools in Kaohsiung city. 2012職業安全研討會, Tainan, October 18-19, 2012. (Oral) 65. Chen, P.S., Lee,Y.L., Luo, S.K. (2012). Indoor Air Monitoring In Day-Care Centers. 2012職業安全研討會, Tainan, October 18-19, 2012. (Oral) 66. Chen, P.S., Tsai, F.T., Du, Z.Y. (2012). Airborne Influenza and Avian Influenza Viruses From Long Range Transportation And Its Health Effect. 2012職業安全研討會, Tainan, October 18-19, 2012. (Oral) 67. Chen, P.S., Kuo,W.C., Yeh,C.L. (2012). Concentraion Of Enterovirus In Air Samples And Exhaled Samples. 2012職業安全研討會, Tainan, October 18-19, 2012. (Oral) 68. Chen, P.S., Kuo,W.C., Chen, H. W. (2012). Detection Of Influenza Virus In Human Exhaled Air. 2012職業安全研討會, Tainan, October 18-19, 2012. (Oral) 69. Chen, P.S., Lin, Y. C. (2012). Airborne Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Profiles In A Hospital With A Nosocomial TB Outbreak.2012職業安全研討會, Tainan, October 18-19, 2012. (Oral) 70. Chen, P.S., Cheng, Y. T., Hsu, H. C. (2012). Air Pollution Between In Houses With Asthma And Those Without Asthma.Conference of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine, Kaohsiung, April 28-29, 2012. (Poster) 71. Chen, P.S., Cheng, Y. T., Wang, M. C. (2012). The Concentration Of Indoor Air Pollutants And Children’s Lung Function In Kaohsiung Common Household. Conference of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine, Kaohsiung, April 28-29, 2012. (Poster) 72. Chen, P.S., Tsai, F. T., Yen, Y. C. (2012). Airborne Influenza and Avian Influenza Viruses from Long-term Transportation and its Health Effect. Conference of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine, Kaohsiung, April 28-29, 2012. (Oral) 73. Chen, P.S., Ou, C. S., Shen, F. H. (2012). Association Between Air Pollutuin And Lung Function Of School Children.Conference of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine, Kaohsiung, April 28-29, 2012. (Oral) 74. Chen, P.S., Ou, C. S., Yan, Y. J. (2011). Association Between Air Pollutants And Lung Function Of School Children. Taiwan Public Health Association, Taipei, October 15-16, 2011. (Poster) 75. Chen, P.S., Ou, C. S., Yan, Y. J. (2011). Ultrafine Particles Counts In Elementary School. Taiwan Public Health Association, Taipei, October 15-16, 2011. (Poster) 76. Chen, P.S., Cheng, Y. T., Cao, W. L. (2011). The effect factors of Indoor air pollutants In Kaohsiung Common Household.Taiwan Public Health Association, Taipei, October 15-16, 2011. (Poster) 77. Chen, P.S., Cheng, Y. T., Cao, W. L. (2011). The Concentration Of Indoor Air Pollutants And Children’s Lung Function In Kaohsiung Common Household. Taiwan Public Health Association, Taipei, October 15-16, 2011. (Poster) 78. Chen, P.S., Cheng, Y. T., Cao, W. L. (2011). Air Pollution Between In Houses With Asthma And Those Without Asthma.Taiwan Public Health Association, Taipei, October 15-16, 2011. (Oral) 79. Chen, P.S., Lee, Y. L., Yen, P. C. (2011). Indoor Air Monitoring In Day-care Centers. 2011 Conference of Campus Safety and Hygiene, Taipei, October 27-28, 2011. (Poster) 80. Chen, P.S., Ou, C. S., Yen, P. C. (2011). Characterization Of The Bacterial And Fungal Bioaerosols In Three Elementary Schools In Kaohsiung. 2011 Conference of Campus Safety and Hygiene, Taipei, October 27-28, 2011. (Poster) 81. Chen, P. S., Chen, C. Y., Yen, P. C. (2011). Association Between Air Pollution And Lung Function Of School Children. 2011 Conference of Campus Safety and Hygiene, Taipei, October 27-28, 2011. (Poster) 82. Chen, P. S., Chen, C. Y., Yen, P. C. (2011). Indoor Air Quality In University. 2011 Conference of Campus Safety and Hygiene, Taipei, October 27-28, 2011. (Poster) 83. Chen, P. S., Yen, P. C. (2011). Ultrafine Particles Counts In Elementary School. 2011 Conference of Campus Safety and Hygiene, Taipei, October 27-28, 2011. (Poster) 84. Chen, P. S., Yen, P. C. (2011). Exposure Assessment of Ozone in elementary school in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 2011 Conference of Campus Safety and Hygiene, Taipei, October 27-28, 2011. (Poster) 85. Chen, P. S., Lee, Y. L., Houng, W. C. (2011). Indoor Air Monitoring In Day-care Centers. International Conference of industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine, Taichung, April 23-24, 2011. (Oral) 86. Chen, P. S., Ke, Y. J. (2011). Airborne Mycobacterium tuberculosis Profiles in a Hospital with a Nosocomial TB outbreak.International Conference of industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine, Taichung, April 23-24, 2011. (Oral) 87. Chen, P. S., Ou, C. S., Chen, W. L. (2011). Characterization Of The Bacterial And Fungal Bioaerosols In Three Elementary Schools In Kaohsiung. International Conference of industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine, Taichung, April 23-24, 2011. (Oral) 88. Chen, P. S., Ou, C. S., Lin, H. T. (2011). Investigation about the association of children’s lung function and air pollution in Kaohsiung City. International Conference of industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine, Taichung, April 23-24, 2011. (Oral) 89. Chen, P. S., Shen, F. Y. (2011). The influence of children jumping on the bed on PM10/PM2.5/PM1 concentration profile.International Conference of industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine, Taichung, April 23-24, 2011. (Oral) 90. Chen, P. S., Kuo, W. C., Yen, P. C. (2011). Detection Of Influenza Virus In Human Exhaled Air. International Conference of industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine, Taichung, April 23-24, 2011. (Oral) 91. Chen, P. S., Chen, C. Y., Lin, H. T. (2011). Indoor Air Quality In University. International Conference of industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine, Taichung, April 23-24, 2011. (Oral) 92. Chen, P. S., Kuo, W. C., Chen, Y. C. (2011). Concentration Of Enterovirus In Air Samples And Exhaled Samples.International Conference of industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine, Taichung, April 23-24, 2011. (Oral) 93. Chen, P. S., Lin, H. T., Chen, J. Y. (2011). Ultrafine Particles Counts In Elementary School. International Conference of industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine, Taichung, April 23-24, 2011. (Oral) 94. Chen, P. S., Yang, C. J. (2011). Exposure Assessment of Ozone in elementary school in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. International Conference of industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine, Taichung, April 23-24, 2011. (Oral) 95. Chen, P. S., Lee, Y. L., Ke, Y. J. (2011). Indoor Air Monitoring In Day-care Centers. The Seventh Asian Aerosol Conference, Xi'an, August 17-20, 2011. (Poster) 96. Chen, P. S., Houng, W. C. (2011). Airborne Mycobacterium tuberculosis Profiles in a Hospital with a Nosocomial TB outbreak.The Seventh Asian Aerosol Conference, Xi'an, August 17-20, 2011. (Poster) 97. Chen, P. S., Ou, C. S., Yen, P. C. (2011). Characterization Of The Bacterial And Fungal Bioaerosols In Three Elementary Schools In Kaohsiung. The Seventh Asian Aerosol Conference, Xi'an, August 17-20, 2011. (Poster) 98. Chen, P. S., Ou, C. S., Ke, Y. J. (2011). Investigation about the association of children’s lung function and air pollution in Kaohsiung City. The Seventh Asian Aerosol Conference, Xi'an, August 17-20, 2011. (Poster) 99. Chen, P. S., Houng, W. C. (2011). Exposure Assessment of Ozone in elementary school in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The Seventh Asian Aerosol Conference, Xi'an, August 17-20, 2011. (Poster) 100. Chen, P. S., Houng, W. C. (2011). The influence of children jumping on the bed on PM10/PM2.5/PM1 concentration profile.The Seventh Asian Aerosol Conference, Xi'an, August 17-20, 2011. (Oral) 101. Chen, P. S., Kuo, W. C., Yen, P. C. (2011). Detection Of Influenza Virus In Human Exhaled Air. The Seventh Asian Aerosol Conference, Xi'an, August 17-20, 2011. (Oral) 102. Chen, P. S., Chen, C. Y., Ke, Y. J. (2011). Indoor Air Quality In University. The Seventh Asian Aerosol Conference, Xi'an, August 17-20, 2011. (Oral) 103. Chen, P. S., Kuo, W. C., Chen, Y. C. (2011). Concentration Of Enterovirus In Air Samples And Exhaled Samples. The Seventh Asian Aerosol Conference, Xi'an, August 17-20, 2011. (Oral) 104. Chen, P. S., Houng, W. C. (2011). Ultrafine Particles Counts In Elementary School. The Seventh Asian Aerosol Conference, Xi'an, August 17-20, 2011. (Oral) 105. Chen, P. S., Yen, P. C. (2011). Real-time Monitoring Of PM2.5 In Primary School. 2011 Conference of Campus Safety and Hygiene, Taipei, October 27-28, 2011. (Poster) 106. Chen, P. S., Kuo, W. C., Chen, C. Y. (2010). Concentration Of Enterovirus In Air Samples And Exhaled Samples. 2010 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Taipei, September 24-25, 2010.(Oral) 107. Chen, P. S., Chen, C. Y. (2010). Indoor Air Quality In University. 2010 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Taipei, September 24-25, 2010.(Poster) 108. Chen, P. S., Cheng, Y. T. (2010). The influence of children jumping on the bed on PM10/PM2.5/PM1 concentration profile.2010 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Taipei, September 24-25, 2010.(Poster) 109. Chen, P. S., Lin, H. T., Chen, J. Y. (2010). Ultrafine Particles Counts In Elementary School. 2010 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Taipei, September 24-25, 2010.(Poster) 110. Chen, P. S.,Ou, C. S., Yen, P. C. (2010). Association Between Air Pollutants And Lung Function Of School Children. 2010 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Taipei, September 24-25, 2010.(Poster) 111. Chen, P. S., Kuo, W. C., Chen, C. Y. (2010). Concentration of enterovirus in air samples and exhaled samples. The American Association for Aerosol Research 29th Annual Conference, Portland, United State, October 25-29, 2010. (Oral) 112. Chen, P. S., Kuo, W. C., Chang, Y. T. (2010). Detection of Influenza Virus in Human Exhaled Air. The American Association for Aerosol Research 29th Annual Conference, Portland, United State, October 25-29, 2010. (Poster) 113. Chen, P. S., Chen, C. Y. (2010) Indoor Air Quality in University. The American Association for Aerosol Research 29th Annual Conference, Portland, United State, October 25-29, 2010. (Poster) 114. Chen, P. S., Lin, H. Y., Lai, Y. C. (2010). The distribution of PM10, PM2.5, and PM1 concentrations in primary school in Kaohsiung City. The American Association for Aerosol Research 29th Annual Conference, Portland, United State, October 25-29, 2010. (Poster) 115. Chen, P. S., Chen, J. Y., Lin, S. T. (2010). Ultrafine particles counts in elementary school. The American Association for Aerosol Research 29th Annual Conference, Portland, United State, October 25-29, 2010. (Poster) 116. Chen, P. S., Ou, C. S., Yan, P. J. (2010). Investigation about the association of children`s lung function and air pollution in Kaohsiung City. The American Association for Aerosol Research 29th Annual Conference, Portland, United State, October 25-29, 2010. (Poster) 117. Chen, P. S., Ou, C. S., Yan, P. J. (2010). Characterization of the bacterial and fungal bioaerosols in three elementary schools in Kaohsiung. The American Association for Aerosol Research 29th Annual Conference, Portland, United State, October 25-29, 2010. (Poster) 118. Chen, P. S., Tasi, F. T. and Kuo, W. C. (2008). Airborne influenza and avian influenza viruses from long term transportation and its health effect. The 2008 European Aerosol Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, August 24-29, 2008. (Oral) 119. Chen, P. S., Li, Y. L., Huang, T. Y. and Chang, Y. H (2008). Indoor Air Monitoring in Day-care Centers. The 2008 European Aerosol Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, August 24-29, 2008. (Poster) 120. Chen, P. S., Chen, D. W. (2008). Airborne Mycobacterium tuberculosis Profile in a hospital after an outbreak of tuberculosis. The 2008 European Aerosol Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, August 24-29, 2008. (Poster) 121. Chen, P. S., Lin, C. K., Tsai, F. T (2008). Detection of airborne influenza and avian influenza virus. The 2008 European Aerosol Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, August 24-29, 2008. (Poster) 122. Chen, P. S. and Chen, D. W. (2007). Airborne Mycobacterium tuberculosis Profile in a hospital after an outbreak of tuberculosis. The American Association for Aerosol Research 26th Annual Conference, Reno, United State, August 24, 2008. (Poster) 123. Chen, P. S., Lin, C. K., Tsai, F. T. and Yang, C. Y. (2007). Airborne influenza and avian influenza viruses from long term transportation and its health effect. The American Association for Aerosol Research 26th Annual Conference, Reno, United State, August 24, 2008. (Poster) 124. Chen, P. S., Lin, C. K. and Tsai, F. T (2007). Detection of airborne influenza and avian influenza virus. The American Association for Aerosol Research 26th Annual Conference, Reno, United State, August 24, 2008. (Oral) 125. Chen, P. S., Li, Y. L., Huang, T. Y. and Chang, Y. H (2007). Indoor Air Monitoring in Day-care Centers. The American Association for Aerosol Research 26th Annual Conference, Reno, United State, August 24, 2008. (Oral) 126. Chen, P. S., Chen, D. W. (2007). Airborne Mycobacterium tuberculosis Profiles in a Hospital with a Nosocomial TB outbreak,第四屆海峽兩岸氣膠技術研討會暨第五屆海峽兩岸沙塵暴及環境治理學術研討會,Kaohsiung, August 26, 2007. (Oral) 127. Chen, P. S., Lee, Y. L., Huang, T. Y., Chang, Y. H. (2007). Indoor Air Monitoring In Day-care Centers. 第四屆海峽兩岸氣膠技術研討會暨第五屆海峽兩岸沙塵暴及環境治理學術研討會,Kaohsiung, August 26, 2007. (Oral) 128. Chen, P. S., Lin, C. K., Tsai, F. T. (2007). Influenza and Avian Influenza Viurs In Ambient Air. 第四屆海峽兩岸氣膠技術研討會暨第五屆海峽兩岸沙塵暴及環境治理學術研討會,Kaohsiung, August 26, 2007. (Oral) 129. Chen, P. S., Lin, C. K., Tsai, F. T., Yang, C. Y. (2007). Airborne Influenza and Avian Influenza Viruses from Long-term Transportation and its Health Effect. 第四屆海峽兩岸氣膠技術研討會暨第五屆海峽兩岸沙塵暴及環境治理學術研討會,Kaohsiung, August 26, 2007. (Oral) 130. Chen, P. S. and Chen, D. W (2007). Airborne Mycobacterium tuberculosis Profile in a hospital after an outbreak of tuberculosis. The 5th Asian Aerosol Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, August 26, 2007. (Oral presentation) 131. Chen, P. S., Lin, C. K., Tsai, F. T. and Yang, C. Y (2007). Airborne influenza and avian influenza viruses from long term transportation and its health effect. The 5th Asian Aerosol Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, August 26, 2007. (Oral) 132. Chen, P. S., Lin, C. K. and Tsai, F. T (2007). Detection of airborne influenza and avian influenza virus. The 5th Asian Aerosol Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, August 26, 2007. (Oral) 133. Chen, P. S., Li, Y. L., Huang, T. Y. and Chang, Y. H. (2007). Indoor Air Monitoring in Day-care Centers. The 5th Asian Aerosol Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, August 26, 2007. (Oral) 134. Chen, P. S., Chen, D. W. (2007). Airborne Mycobacterium tuberculosis Profiles in a Hospital with a Nosocomial TB outbreak. Conference of TPHA&TEA, Taichung, June 07, 2007 (Oral) 135. Chen, P. S., Lee, Y. L., Huang, T. Y., Chang, Y. H. (2007). Indoor Air Monitoring In Day-care Centers. Conference of TPHA&TEA, Taichung, June 07, 2007 (Oral presentation) 136. Chen, P. S., Lin, C. K., Tsai, F. T. (2007). Airborne Influenza and Avian Influenza Viruses from Long-term Transportation and its Health Effect. Conference of TPHA&TEA, Taichung, June 07, 2007 (Oral) 137. Chen, P. S., Lin, C. K., Tsai, F. T., Yang, C. Y. (2007). Airborne Influenza and Avian Influenza Viruses from Long-term Transportation and its Health Effect. Conference of TPHA&TEA, Taichung, June 07, 2007 (Oral) 138. Chen, P. S., Lin, C. K., Tsai, F. T., Yang, C. Y. (2007). Airborne Influenza and Avian Influenza Viruses from Long-term Transportation and its Health Effect. Conference of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine, Kaohsiung, April 21, 2007 (Poster) 139. Chen, P. S., Lin, C. K., Tsai, F. T. (2007). Airborne Influenza and Avian Influenza Viruses from Long-term Transportation and its Health Effect. Conference of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine, Kaohsiung, April 21, 2007 (Poster) 140. Chen, P. S., Lee, Y. L., Huang, T. Y., Chang, Y. H. (2007). Indoor Air Monitoring In Day-care Centers. Conference of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine, Kaohsiung, April 21, 2007 (Oral) 141. Chen, P. S., Chen, D. W. (2007). Airborne Mycobacterium tuberculosis Profiles in a Hospital with a Nosocomial TB outbreak. Conference of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine, Kaohsiung, April 21, 2007 (Oral) 142. Chen, P. S. and Li, C. S. (2006). Concentration Profiles of Airborne Mycobacterium tuberbuslosis in a Hospital. The 25th Annual AAAR Conference, St. Paul, United State, September 10-15, 2006. (Poster) 143. Chen, P. S. and Li, C. S. (2005). Real-Time Quantitative PCR with Gene Probe, Fluorochrome, and Flow Cytometry for Bioaerosol Analysis. The 24th Annual AAAR Conference Abstracts, Austin, United State, October 17-22, 2005. (Poster) 144. Chen, P. S. and Li, C. S. (2005). Sampling Performance for Bioaerosols by Flow Cytometry with Fluorochrome. 24th Annual AAAR Conference Abstracts, Austin, United State, October 17-22, 2005. (Oral) 145. Chen, P. S, Li, C. S. (2004) Sampling Performance for Bioaerosols by Flow Cytometry with Fluorochrome. 2004 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology. Taichung October 1-2, 2004. (Oral) 146. Chen, P. S, Li, C. S. (2004) Concentration of Airborne Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Patient Rooms Measured using Real-Time qPCR Coupled to An Air-sampling Filter Method. 2004 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology. Taichung October 1-2, 2004. (Oral) 147. Chen, P. S, Li, C. S. (2004) Bioaerosol Characterization by Flow Cytometry with Fluorochrome. 2004 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology. Taichung October 1-2, 2004. (Oral) 148. Chen, P. S, Li, C. S. (2003).Real-Time Quantitative PCR with Gene Probe, Fluorochrome, and Flow Cytometry for Bioaerosol Analysis. 2003 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology. Kaohsiung, September 12-13, 2003 (Oral) 149. Li, C. S., Chen, P. S., Wen, Y. M. (2002)。Collection Efficiency of Filters for Bioaerosols. The 19th Conference of Air Pollution Control and Technology, Taipei, November 29-30, 2002 (Oral) 150. Li, C. S., Chen, P. S., Wen, Y. M. (2002)。Collection Efficiency of Electrostatic preciptator for Bioaerosols. The 19th Conference of Air Pollution Control and Technology, Taipei, November 29-30, 2002 (Oral) 151. Li, C. S., Chen, P. S., and Wen, Y. M. (2002). Collection Efficiency of Electrostatic preciptator for Bioaerosols. The Sixth International Aerosol Conference Abstracts, Taipei, Taiwan, September 8-13, 2002. (Poster) 152. Li, C. S., Chen, P. S., and Wen, Y. M. (2002). Collection Efficiency of Filters for Bioaerosols. The Sixth International Aerosol Conference Abstracts, Taipei, Taiwan, September 8-13, 2002. (Oral) 153. Li, C. S., Chen, P. S., Wen, Y. M. (2002). Collection Efficiency of Electrostatic Precipitator for Bioaerosols. 2002 International Conference of industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine Abstracts, page232, Taipei, April 26-27, 2002. (Oral) 154. Li, C. S., Chen, P. S., Wen, Y. M. (2002). Collection Efficiency of Filtration for Bioaerosols. 2002 International Conference of industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine Abstracts, Taipei, April 26-27, 2002. (Oral) |
專書 |
1. 李芝珊、陳培詩,氣候變遷相關之空氣污染對公共衛生的衝擊,氣候變遷、衝擊、因應與永續發展研究進展2005,國立台灣大學全球環境變遷中心發行, 2005,342-348。 2. 李芝珊、陳培詩,氣候變遷相關之傳染病變化對公共衛生的衝擊,氣候變遷、衝擊、因應與永續發展研究進展2005,國立台灣大學全球環境變遷中心發行2005,435-441。 3. 李芝珊、陳培詩,氣候變遷相關之極端事件對公共衛生的衝擊,氣候變遷、衝擊、因應與永續發展研究進展2005,國立台灣大學全球環境變遷中心發行,2005,442-448。 4. 李芝珊、陳培詩,氣候變遷相關之空氣污染對公共衛生的衝擊,氣候變遷、衝擊、因應與永續發展研究進展2005,國立台灣大學全球環境變遷中心發行,2005,449-455。 5. 陳培詩,2006;醫療院所安全衛生-第四章生物性環境衛生,行政院勞工委員會勞工安全衛生研究所,pp 61-84。 6. 陳培詩,2006;直讀式儀器原理及應用-第四章生物氣膠採樣分析儀器,行政院勞工委員會安全衛生專業人員訓練教材研究與北區推廣中心,pp. 4-1~4-7。 7. 環境衛生學(Moeller) (第四版),譯者:林子賢, 蔡詩偉, 趙木榮, 趙馨, 胡瓊文, 陳培詩, 王凱淞, 魯學孟,2012。 8. 田霓、何承懋、吳文勉、吳麗卿、李岱芬、林子賢、林奇勇、陳培詩、游雅言、黃采菽、黃建彰,實驗室生物安全規範,2021.04 技術報告 1. 陳培詩、詹長權、金傳春、林貴香,2006;空氣長程傳輸中微粒之流感與禽流感病毒偵測與健康效應評估計畫期末報告,行政院環境保護署。 2. 金傳春、吳俊霖、陳培詩、宋鴻樟,2007;流行病學特徵評估氣候變遷在傳染病流行之重要高危險區、流行趨向及其策略規劃計畫期末報告,環保署/國科會空污防制科研合作計畫。 3. 陳培詩、詹長權、林貴香,2008;空氣長程傳輸中微粒之流感與禽流感病毒偵測與健康效應評估計畫(二)期末報告,行政院環境保護署。 4. 金傳春、吳俊霖、王玉純、陳培詩,2008;流行病學特徵評估氣候變遷在傳染病流行之重要高危險區、流行趨向及其策略規劃計畫(二)期末報告,環保署/國科會空污防制科研合作計畫。 5. 陳培詩,2008;醫院中感染性生物氣膠分佈研究報告。行政院國家科學委員會。 |
專業服務 |
得獎 1. 獲頒高雄醫學大學99學年度、103學年度、105學年度校級績優導師 2. 獲頒高雄醫學大學99學年度、103學年度院級績優導師 3. 獲頒高雄醫學大學2014年、2015年、2019年、2020年、2022年優秀論文獎 4. 獲頒高雄醫學大學2005年、2009年、2016年、2017年、2019年、2021年、2023年研究計畫績優獎 5. 獲頒高雄醫學大學2023年研究績優教師一般教師組研究成果績優獎 6. 獲頒高雄醫學大學高雄醫學大學2010年、2011年『本校專利獲證』傑出貢獻獎 7. 2021年獲頒中山高醫合作研究優秀學者獎 8. 2021年獲頒台灣建築醫學學會優秀論文指導獎 9. 2021年指導一位碩士生獲頒社團法人台灣建築醫學學會優秀學位論文獎 10. 國科會大專校院特殊優秀人才獎勵 (2011年迄今) 11. 指導鳳山高中學生獲得第60屆第6分區科展環境學科佳作、1090325 梯次全國高級中等學校小論文比賽榮獲健康與護理類特優 12. 指導小港高中學生獲得1111015梯次全國高級中等學校小論文比賽榮獲健康與護理類甲等 13. 指導雄女高中學生獲得第62屆高市中小學科學展覽會高級中等學校組環境學科《第三名》 14. 2022年指導一位大學生以「室內空氣汙染與空氣清淨機的健康效應」為題,榮獲「國科會111年度大專學生研究計畫研究創作獎」 15. 2023年指導一位碩士生獲得公共衛生學會第34屆公共衛生研究生論文獎第二名 16. 2022年指導一名碩士生參加Asian aerosol conference所舉辦的競賽「Tai & Chyun Student Oral Award」榮獲第二名 17. 2024年指導一名博士生參加台灣氣膠研究學會主辦之「第31屆國際氣膠科技研討會暨2024細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制及空氣品質與淨零排放議題研討會」,榮獲學生論文短講競賽佳作 18. 2024年指導1位博士生、1位碩士生、2位大學生參與2024年亞洲創新方法促進健康室內環境研討會- Student Paper Competition Awards,榮獲佳作 19. 以「空氣監測禽流感病毒或鳥種監測警示禽流感病毒爆發創新技術」獲頒第二十一屆國家新創獎-學研新創獎 SCI paper Reviewer 1. Science of the Total Environment (2013) 2. Aerobiologia (2013) 3. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2013) 4. Aerobiologia (2014) 5. Particuology (2014) 6. Building and Environment (2019) 7. Safety (2019) 8. Indoor Air (2019) 9. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2019) 10. Environmental Research (2019) 11. Toxin Reviews (2019) 12. Journal Of Exposure Science And Environmental Epidemiology (2019) 13. Aerosol and Air Quality Research (2019) 14. The Lancet Planetary Health (2019) 15. Science of the Total Environment (2020) 16. Indoor Air (2020) 17. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2020) 18. Indoor Air (2021) 19. Environmental Research (2021) 20. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (2021) 21. Aerosol and Air Quality Research (2022) 22. Science of the Total Environment (2022) 23. Environmental Research (2022) 24. Environmental Science & Technology (2022) 25. Indoor Air (2023) 26. Environments (2023) 27. Science of The Total Environment (2023) 28. Journal of Pediatric Nursing (2023) 29. Environmental Science & Technology Journal (2024) |
教學 |
入學年 |
姓名 |
論文題目 |
博士班 |
112年 |
張佳琳 |
109年 |
吳大緯 |
對空氣污染造成的肺部疾病風險評估預測模型以及提供的緩解策略 |
102年 |
顏昱娟 |
家戶空氣汙染物與孩童呼吸道健康 |
碩士班 |
113年 |
曾國評 |
113年 |
陳可寧 |
113年 |
林偉丞 |
113年 |
趙元楨 |
112年 |
鄭民欣 |
112年 |
張貽婷 |
空氣清淨機技術介入對工業區室內空氣汙染物與肺阻塞患者健康改善之評估 |
111年 |
陳泯瀚 |
室內空氣清淨技術介入對工業區COPD患者尿中重金屬與健康效應之改善評估 |
111年 |
黃子瑜 |
室內空氣清淨技術介入對工業區氣喘病人尿中多環芳香烴代謝物與相關健康指標之影響評估 |
111年 |
陳玨龍 |
室內空氣清淨技術介入對氣喘病人血液中MicroRNA之影響 |
110年 |
吳岳錡 |
室內空氣清淨技術介入對工業區氣喘病人尿中重金屬與健康之相關影響 |
110年 |
李宛宸 |
空氣清淨機技術介入對工業區氣喘患者室內空氣汙染物與健康改善之評估 |
110年 |
黃絲瑜 |
室內空氣清淨技術介入對工業區氣喘病人血液中細胞激素之影響 |
109年 |
謝杰安 |
室內空氣清淨技術介入對工業區氣喘病人居家生物氣膠改善之成效評估 |
108年 |
黃怡嘉 |
台灣熱區空氣中禽流感病毒濃度分布與影響因子之探討 |
108年 |
廖冠瑜 |
室內空氣清淨技術介入對工業區氣喘病人健康改善之成效評估 |
108年 |
陳紫鈺 |
2017-2019年臺灣中南部候鳥棲息地空氣中禽流感病毒與影響因子之探討 |
107年 |
簡誌廷 |
案例場空氣中禽流感病毒濃度分布與影響因子之評估 |
106年 |
王瑞甫 |
禽場空氣中禽流感病毒之濃度分布 |
106年 |
林紘逸 |
室內空氣清淨技術介入對工業區喘病人居家空氣品質改善之成效評估 |
105年 |
林思伶 |
大氣禽流感病毒-候鳥棲息地與雲林熱區 |
104年 |
羅士凱 |
高雄市孕婦家戶室內空氣汙染物之分布與其影響因子之研究 |
104年 |
林奐均 |
高雄市孕婦及新生兒居家塵螨過敏原分布與影響因子之探討 |
103年 |
賴盈秀 |
母親孕期至嬰兒出生一年內,居家空氣中塵螨及其他影響因子之研究 |
101年 |
王美淇 |
高雄市空氣汙染物與國小學童呼吸道症狀之相關性評估 |
101年 |
陳萲芠 |
2013年大氣中類鼻疽桿菌濃度及其影響因子 |
101年 |
林延澤 |
病童呼出腸病毒濃度與家戶及學校內傳播探討 |
99年 |
洪偉哲 |
過敏與非過敏家戶室內空氣品質與學童肺功能探討 |
99年 |
陳怡潔 |
高雄市國小學童家戶空氣中塵螨過敏原濃度之探討 |
99年 |
顏珮珺 |
高雄市國小學童家戶空氣中內毒素濃度 |
99年 |
柯雨汝 |
高雄地區空氣汙染物與學童肺功能之相關 |
98年 |
陳佳郁 |
高雄市國小學童肺功能與其居家空氣及灰塵中塵螨過敏原之相關性探討 |
98年 |
鄭宇廷 |
家戶室內空氣品質與學童肺功能 |
98年 |
區智深 |
高雄市國小教室空氣污染物濃度與學童肺功能研究 |
97年 |
郭婉琦 |
呼出氣體中流行性感冒病毒與腸病毒之偵測 |
95年 |
蔡豐達 |
大氣中流感與禽流感病毒之偵測 |
95年 |
李宜璉 |
幼稚園中流行性感冒病毒濃度評估 |